Fight turnover with engagement insights

Officevibe's Pulse Surveys give you real-time, reliable engagement insights to design effective employee retention strategies.

Officevibe anonymous pulse survey asking the employee to rate their feeling of belonging to a team on a rating scale.
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20,000+ organizations trust Workleap software for their employee experience

How it works

Build a thriving workplace

Manager who submits their Pulse Survey in one click.

Ready for liftoff

Add your employees and press send. It’s as easy as that to keep your finger on the pulse of your teams.

An employee who easily responds to his Pulse Surveys.

Ask the right questions

Engagement metrics measured from an out-of-the-box survey with a set of curated, reliable, and simple questions.

An employee who answers is Pulse Survey knowing that is a safe space.

High employee participation

A delightful survey experience that employees actually enjoy because they feel empowered to make a difference.


Who knew feedback could be so fun?

Your automated Pulse Surveys deliver a mix of slider, rating, and multiple-choice questions to keep fresh insight-generating questions coming on a weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly basis. With as few as 5 questions per survey, sharing is not only caring — it’s also easy!

Officevibe anonymous pulse survey asking the employee to pick an image that describes their work-life balance.
Officevibe anonymous pulse survey asking the employee to share insights on why their team’s Feedback metric dropped this week.


The results are (always) in

Over and above our science-backed set of questions, your Pulse Survey will also ask open-ended questions, giving you the up-to-the-minute employee voice.


Go deep on your metrics

Break down your metrics with powerful sub-metrics that simplify the job of knowing exactly where you excel and where you need to work to improve your employee experience.

Report of the Recognition metric based on Officevibe’s pulse survey responses for a team with related feedback and questions.
Officevibe's Feedback Topics feature, based on an AI model, indicates that 'deadline' is the main trending topic.


Automate data analysis

Reading employee feedback to identify trends within your organization can be an incredibly time-consuming task. The good news is that our Feedback Topics report uses an AI model to automate that process, giving you instant insights into what’s top of mind for your team, and you can even see if a topic is trending up or down over time.


Put words to feelings

Go directly to the source and see which survey questions generate the most reaction. See questions over time, by team, and metric. It’s super powerful and addictive (in a good way).

Question results overview page showing Officevibe pulse survey responses filtered by team, time period and indicator.
Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS) results and progress for a team as measured from an Officevibe pulse survey question.


Your reputation counts

Keep building your compelling employer value proposition. Start collecting eNPS for every employee from day 1. And with their eNPS question added seamlessly to their next Pulse Survey, you’ll guarantee a follow-up every 90 days. Just another way we make sure you have the most complete and up-to-date data on your reputation as an employer.


Measure first impressions

Fight turnover from day one with relevant, real-time insights into your new employees’ experience. Receive and reply to feedback to help you make every first impression count. And keep track of it all with onboarding scores for your organization and teams.

Onboarding survey report results for a team, showing on a graph how the onboarding experience is perceived through time.
Diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB) survey report based on Officevibe pulse survey questions results.


DEIB Surveys

Build inclusive workplaces

Transform your organization into a champion of diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging. Collect employee feedback to continuously develop and measure the impact of your DEIB initiatives. Get one step closer to a more inclusive workplace with up-to-date insights that show you exactly where to focus.

Icon of the letter "O" with a wave above it


The simplest employee experience solution that provides insights and tools to transform your organization on day 1, not in 6 months.