Free webinar

Empowering HR with AI: Strategies for workplace success

Featuring Irina Mocanu, Senior HR Advisor at Workleap, Stefano Besana, Partner at Deloitte Consulting, and Mathieu Dumont, Product Director at Workleap.

Our speakers: Irina Mocanu, Stefano Besana, and Mathieu Dumont.

In this webinar, we'll explore:

  • The latest trends and breakthroughs in artificial intelligence
  • What the AI revolution means for HR professionals
  • Actionable tips on how to implement AI in your HR strategies
  • What lies ahead for AI in HR
Employee happy behind computer

Who’s talking

Join employee experience experts live for a one-time panel and Q&A on how to leverage artificial intelligence in your HR roadmap.   

Irina Mocanu

Senior HR Advisor, Workleap

With over 10 years of experience, Irina leverages her expertise in HR strategy to develop organization-wide programs designed to support employee development. 

Her dedication is rooted in the belief that thoughtfully applied technology can magnify human potential and business outcomes. Her vision is not just about adapting to changes but to actively shape the workplace with human-centered solutions. 

Headshot of Irina Mocanu, Senior HR Advisor at Workleap

Stefano Besana

Partner, Deloitte Consulting

Stefano is currently at the forefront of the Workforce Transformation, Organizational Design, and Change Management team within the Human Capital area at Deloitte Consulting. A professor and invited. He holds a dual bachelor’s degree in learning processes and neuroscience and an MSc in education.

Headshot of Stefano Besana, Partner, Deloitte Consulting

Mathieu Dumont

Product Director, Workleap LMS

As a co-founder of Didacte (now Workleap LMS), Mathieu is a passionate advocate for sustainable entrepreneurship. He believes in the profound impact humans can have on organizational performance.

Driven by a fascination for streamlining processes for optimal efficiency, he thrives in challenging conventional norms and exploring overlooked solutions. By embracing a unique approach, he breaks away from social conventions to uncover innovative paths.

With an entrepreneurial spirit and a visionary mindset, he is dedicated to driving positive change and inspiring growth in the world of HR and beyond.

Headshot of Mathieu Dumont, Product Director at Workleap

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