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The future of work: Harnessing the power of moments

The way we work is changing fast, and it's important to keep up with new trends and what might come next. Get ahead by learning from Jacob Morgan's expert advice.

Hero - Harnessing the power of moments

In this webinar, Jacob highlights:

  • How HR and employee experience have evolved over time.
  • The key moments that define the modern employee experience.
  • Strategies to leverage culture, tech, and space for a lasting impact on employee engagement, leadership, and organizational success.
Two colleagues discussing together

Who’s talking

Jacob Morgan

Author and Speaker

Jacob Morgan is a 5x best-selling author, TED and keynote speaker, and professionally trained futurist. His passion and mission is to create great leaders, engaged employees, and future-ready organizations.

He's written five best-selling books which are: Leading with Vulnerability (2023), The Future Leader (Wiley, 2020), The Employee Experience Advantage (Wiley, 2017), The Future of Work (Wiley, 2014), and The Collaborative Organization (McGraw Hill, 2012).

His work has been endorsed by the CEOs of Cisco, T-Mobile, Unilever, Mastercard, SAP, Best Buy, Schneider Electric, Whirlpool, Kaiser, Domino's Pizza, Audi, KPMG, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, Adam Grant, Seth Godin, and many others.

Portrait of Jacob Morgan

Don’t just believe the hype.
Experience it yourself.

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