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Employee Engagement

Making quality hires by strengthening workplace culture

It’s the bridge that has kept everything aligned; it ensures everyone is satisfied at work. We use it on daily basis.

Kristin Heckersbruch, Culture and People Manager at Nolk

When Kristin Heckersbruch, Nolk’s Culture and People Manager, joined the company, the importance of culture was made immediately clear. In fact, one of the first tools she was shown was Workleap Officevibe.

Working remotely — but not remotely disconnected

When the team transitioned to working from home, Kristin says she and Nolk’s co-founder used Workleap Officevibe more than they ever had before.

“It played a huge role in transitioning, especially in terms of flexibility. We were able to really adapt, case-by-case, to every employee’s needs using Workleap Officevibe metrics along with the Feedback they gave us in the platform.”

Nolk wanted to ensure that work satisfaction stayed high, and that their people stayed connected. Using Workleap Officevibe to track their success, they launched a variety of projects and virtual gatherings to boost morale, which came from comments received in Workleap Officevibe. The platform also helped them to see things they’d usually notice in person at the office, but couldn’t, given the new distance between them.

We came up with different initiatives to keep the team knowledgeable and aware of the health impact and the wellness part of working remotely, and created a recognition program through Slack. All of these initiatives came out of our Workleap Officevibe results.

Nolk's Highest Officevibe Metrics

Preventing turnover

Nolk uses the platform as an extra channel for employees to speak directly to HR and to the company’s co-founder, who both check Workleap Officevibe every day. They respond to comments and feed an active back-and-forth that otherwise wouldn’t take place. Kristin says it’s a practice that helps them maintain their culture of transparency and their tight-knit community.

“I can speak personally: I come from a big corporate background where we didn’t have anything like Workleap Officevibe. We had those annual surveys, but those are only once a year. They don’t give you consistent feedback, which I find so important. On the one day that you take that survey, it’s possible you’re in a bad mood. You really can’t rely on those results. That’s why I love Workleap Officevibe – it gives consistent results across the board.”

A healthy culture leads to strong recruitment

Nolk’s employees are strong ambassadors of their workplace – an important asset, given the speed at which the company is growing. Their strong culture and core values are reflected in the people referred to Kristin by staff, helping her to find the right people to grow with.

Having this kind of culture - which I find is enhanced through the use of Workleap Officevibe – makes people ambassadors. We get a lot of team referrals, because they can see through Workleap Officevibe that they’re bringing people into a great culture.

Kristin also uses Workleap Officevibe to show her potential recruits Nolk’s scores across metrics – which all sit above 8.7/10, a nearly unequaled achievement in the platform. Their Relationship with Peers score in particular is an indicator that really hits home with potential hires.

A look at Nolk's Officevibe Metrics

“I’ve been a recruiter for a long time, and [Workleap Officevibe] has been an amazing tool for showing people who we are, and that we’re only getting better. They see the Relationship with Peers metric and know they’re coming into a place where they’re going to be connected to their people.”

In fact, if Kristin could offer any advice to new users, she’d say Workleap Officevibe’s greatest asset is in its ability to connect employees to each other, to their culture, and to their managers.

“There are always comments coming in [to Workleap Officevibe] that are very impactful. Sometimes it’s just showing you what you’re doing well, but it also shows you what you can improve on. Check them daily. And make sure you use Workleap Officevibe as a means of communication with your employees. When they get a response and see the impact of their words, that’s when it’s really working.”

Employee Engagement

Using Workleap Officevibe to transform employees into ambassadors

As a company, employee engagement is CampMinder’s top priority. And it shows: the summer camp software company has managed to maintain an overall Workleap Officevibe Engagement score of 8.7/10 over the last 12 months.

Crafting long-term people strategies

The Workleap Officevibe engagement score is also the number-one indicator Analiese Brown, VP of Talent & Culture, looks out for. It’s her key metric for success – she reports on it weekly within the Executive Leadership team to prompt discussions on changes, whether good or bad.

I really look at Workleap Officevibe to inform my decisions and to find out where we should be spending our time.

Analiese Brown, VP of Talent & Culture at CampMinder

Quarterly, she uses Workleap Officevibe to take a step back and look at upcoming priorities, and to predict where the Talent and Culture team should focus. That could mean looking at anonymous comments in aggregate, or it could mean looking at a particular metric and understanding that it’s time to start tackling or revamping a specific initiative.

"Workleap Officevibe informs a lot of what I do on both a micro and macro level."

Preventing turnover

Analiese tracks CampMinder’s Workleap Officevibe scores daily to see if they’ve changed and approaches feedback responses the same way. According to her, that’s what makes all the difference when it comes to retention.

"There are moments when I read a piece of feedback that tips me off to the fact that someone may be struggling, or needs to have a conversation. When I see that, I act on it."

Rather than adding to her workload, this kind of feedback helps to lighten it. She calls it a leading indicator that helps her tackle issues before they become problems that lead to great employees quitting.

Turnover itself isn’t very actionable, but what I love about Workleap Officevibe is that it gives us those insights while we can still do something about it.

Attracting key talent

Right from her first interview, Analiese could see her CEO’s investment in employee engagement. His devotion to creating a great organizational culture and using Workleap Officevibe to overcome challenges was part of the reason she decided to join CampMinder. Engaged employees are crucial ambassadors who help to improve the quality of applicants and their fit with a company.

CampMinder's eNPS showing an excellent score of 65

In fact, CampMinder’s employee Net Promoter Score, a number that tells an organization how likely their employees are to recommend it as a place to work, is almost unparalleled. While an eNPS can range from –100 to +100, anything above 0 is considered good. A score above 50 is thought to be excellent. Workleap Officevibe has calculated CampMinder’s eNPS at 65.

Building initiatives with direct impact

Using Workleap Officevibe to highlight issues that need attention, Analiese works to improve engagement, retain her people, and ultimately make them happier.

"It’s really gratifying to get this data and see the work that’s being done on our end validated."

The most significant initiative to date, she says, came from feedback CampMinder regularly received around Paid Time Off (PTO), which was also affecting their Satisfaction metric. So, two years ago, they decided to experiment with Trust-Based PTO and expanded parental leave. Then, they sent out a Custom Poll to find out what employees thought of the new programs. Two years later, they still get overwhelmingly positive feedback around these changes.

It’s been a pretty clear success story for the organization. Workleap Officevibe was instrumental in putting that initiative in place.

CampMinder’s dedication to acknowledging survey data has led to an employee participation rate of over 85% in weekly Pulse Surveys, further strengthening the quality of CampMinder’s data, and creating the positive feedback loop that all great Workleap Officevibe users experience. More data means more accurate information, which leads to winning initiatives.

A view of CampMinder's Highest Officevibe Metrics

CampMinder’s key benefits:

  • Workleap Officevibe’s short and long-term views empower CampMinder to build strong, effective people strategies;
  • Clear data tells CampMinder which initiatives to take to create a happier workforce;
  • HR leverages Workleap Officevibe data to prevent turnover and tackle issues before they become problems;
  • Workleap Officevibe appeals to the employees CampMinder would like to hire, improving recruitment fit and their brand as an employer.
Employee Engagement

Turning Employee Engagement into Customer Success

Mario’s team rates their Relationship with their Manager at a staggering 9.4/10, up from 8.7 just 12 months ago – an incredible rise that demonstrates Mario’s ability to make genuine connections with his people, while bringing his team closer to each other and to their organization.

His biggest challenge

Mario Stojanovski says he’s always discussing new ways to improve Workleap Officevibe metrics with his team – and his scores show their initiatives work. So, when it comes to hiring, he’s looking to match a candidate to a team at the top of its game – both in terms of work and working together.

“You really want to make sure that you’ve got the right team,” says Mario – and he doesn’t simply mean the right skillset. Team fit is just as important, which is why hiring is such a challenge.

We’re open with each other by being open about what Workleap Officevibe shows us. We all know where we’re at and can work on continuing to improve together.

Mario Stojanovski, Manager of Customer Support at Nintex

So open, in fact, that Mario’s team’s Relationship with Peers score has gone from 7.4 to 8.3/10 in the last 12 months.

But is Workleap Officevibe really anonymous?

Mario says there was little pushback when bringing Workleap Officevibe to his team of nine – except for one question: is the platform really anonymous?

“It is,” he confirms. “And now, if somebody has something that needs to be said, they leave us their feedback, no matter the comment. Whether it’s positive or negative, we always respond and acknowledge it, so people are encouraged to reach out.”

Managers company-wide at Nintex are encouraged to do just that – and it’s resulted in better feedback across the organization as a whole. Mario’s team is a perfect example of this organization-wide drive for feedback, with a Feedback metric rising from 7.7 to 8.1/10 in the last year alone.

“The anonymous feedback is where the real value lies for my team. The truth is, some people just don’t want to come directly to you to chat about a certain topic, and that’s fine.”

When teams love their organization, it’s easier for customers to love it, too

“Our customers are our promoters,” says Mario. “They’re the ones who are going to promote our products and company to their friends, families, and colleagues.”

That’s one of the reasons having a happy team is so important to him: it ensures they’re in the best frame of mind to provide a great experience for clients. When teams are promoters, it’s easier for clients to become promoters, too.

It’s in our DNA as a customer success department to care deeply and do everything we can to make sure that the customer’s happy. As a manager, I do my best to take the same approach with my team. If I do my job well, employees become promoters of our company, and that makes it easier to find quality hires.

Tackling low scores

When they started using Workleap Officevibe, Nintex’s Recognition score was low overall. Based on the score and some of the feedback they received, they realized they could be doing more. The management team discussed ways to address it as a company.

“We started publicly recognizing individuals who had gone above and beyond with a spot award. At the team level, we’ve also started recognizing individuals by giving them a chance to go work in one of our other offices around the world for a period of time.”

The result?

His team loves it. “It’s a great motivator, and honestly a great learning experience for the team. When someone goes, we ask them what we can learn from the team they’re visiting, and they bring methods and strategies back for us to try.”

A look at Mario's team highest Officevibe metrics

A change on the inside...

Workleap Officevibe has helped Mario make sure his team members are always talking to each other.

“There’s more engagement within the team; more interaction in general. And part of that is Workleap Officevibe, and the fact that we’re discussing more topics that tie us together in a new way.”

...An impact at every level of the business

The feedback that comes from our customer surveys shows we’re succeeding in our mission.

You could say Workleap Officevibe creates a similar feeling for me as a manager. Knowing my team is engaged and healthy, or seeing an initiative we put in place responded to positively, gives me that same boost every week.

Mario’s takeaways

  • Workleap Officevibe helps solidify team identity and collaboration, making it easier to find the right fit when hiring;
  • Anonymity leads to some of Mario’s best Workleap Officevibe insights;
  • Responding to feedback consistently encourages employees to come forward time and again;
  • Taking action on issues raised by Workleap Officevibe creates measurable improvement;
  • A team that loves its organization, loves its customers.
Team Management

Helping Nintex cultivate effective managers with more confidence

With over 500 employees spread across 10 different international offices, Nintex faced a complex challenge: understanding and responding to the needs of a workforce that’s both culturally and geographically diverse. In the end, it’s all about knowing what makes your employees tick.

Nintex's HR team recognized the importance of tailoring HR strategies and projects to different groups while maintaining a global goal. They sought a solution that would provide trusted data to inform their HR strategy while empowering managers to gain better insights into their teams.

Better conversations, better managers

Not only did managers better understand their teams with the help of Workleap Officevibe’s Pulse Surveys and Anonymous Feedback, but they used those insights to develop improved communication, collaboration – and ultimately better relationships.

Workleap Officevibe has specifically helped managers have better conversations with their teams. The Nintex HR team shared that instead of just focusing on individual performance, the focus is now on building team dynamics and creating a great work environment. Workleap Officevibe has pushed their managers to self-evaluate themselves more and have the tough conversations they might previously have avoided. Unanimously, they agree the platform has been a great coaching tool for their managers.

Data backed decision-making

For Nintex’s HR team, the regular flow of Workleap Officevibe data became the direct link between execs and employees. Not only is it now used as a company OKR and to report to the board on employee engagement, but it’s informed everything from HR and Facilities programs to global wellness initiatives, manager development training, and even Nintex’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

One of their HR leaders shared that by using Workleap Officevibe, they can better understand the needs of different groups in real-time. This allows them to not only track the HR initiatives they deliver, but more importantly, adjust or accelerate them based on what they learn from the platform. “Successfully running programs based off of Workleap Officevibe data has actually led to employees providing even better data since they knew it would have impact,” they said.

The key to success

While Workleap Officevibe can be seen as a platform that generates data for managers and HR, Nintex finds meaningful success by understanding that data as a way to generate trust with their employees.

How do they do it? They wholeheartedly believe employees will only provide them with quality data if they feel it’s being valued. That doesn’t mean it always needs to be turned into a project, but it does have to be heard and acknowledged.

While Nintex’s leadership team was originally unsure if employees would answer honestly or if they would simply use the tool as a venting opportunity, neither of these concerns turned out to be true. As managers responded more, employees gave more contextual and regular feedback. It had a great cyclical effect.

A healthy culture evolves with its people

After six years with Workleap Officevibe, Nintex says there’s been a natural shift that’s taken place during that time. Managers who use the tool well are now able to drive their teams to have a stake in their own group dynamic, finding success by making engagement a true shared responsibility.

Nintex Takeaways

  • Greater company-wide transparency;
  • Data-backed HR initiatives;
  • More confident managers;
  • A culture of communication within teams;
  • Teams that work directly with Workleap Officevibe data to improve dynamics.
Employee Engagement

Driving better 1-on-1s by giving every team member a voice

Amber Knapp leads a team of 10: they take care of the camps served by CampMinder and their customers. She’s been a manager for 4 years.

Her biggest challenge

Looking across her career as a people manager, Amber Knapp, Client Support Manager at CampMinder, says the biggest challenge has always been team engagement.

Getting buy-in to change and having team members feel they can candidly share what they’re thinking and feeling can be difficult. As a manager, that’s the information that I really need to be successful and support them.

Getting buy-in to change and having team members feel they can candidly share what they’re thinking and feeling can be difficult. As a manager, that’s the information that I really need to be successful and support them.

Amber Knapp, Client Support Manager at CampMinder.

Tackling the challenges of remote work

With the need for remote work changing our professional landscape in 2020, Amber says that simulating the face-to-face collaboration and engagement her team normally gets at the office has added a layer of difficulty – and it’s one she uses Workleap Officevibe to address.

Right now, the biggest challenge I’m facing is really getting collaboration and team morale up. That’s what I’m using Workleap Officevibe for.

She says that thanks to Workleap Officevibe, she can make sure the team stays close, that collaboration and trust stay strong, while learning the new types of support they need. In fact, her team’s Alignment metric, around the Vision and Mission of CampMinder, is at an all-time high of 9.2/10, even with their new working reality.

Driving better 1-on-1s

Anonymous Feedback, a feature that allows employees to have written, anonymous conversations with their managers, is one of the tools Amber says helps her most as a manager.

Amber says that the feedback she’s getting through Workleap Officevibe really helps her drive 1-on-1s with team members. And even if it’s anonymous, she says it gives her a starting point for checking in with the whole team on a specific topic.

She also uses the Share Report feature with her team as an opportunity to talk through their metric scores together. “As a manager, that’s the information I use to really understand what’s happening across the team, and either get certain things back on the right track or understand why other areas are working so well.”

The feedback I’m getting through Workleap Officevibe really helps me drive 1-on-1s with team members. And even if it’s anonymous, it gives me a starting point for checking in with the whole team on a specific topic.

Giving everyone a voice

No matter what’s going on, Amber says she believes human beings have an inherent desire to put their best face forward – but that comes at the cost of expressing what they might truly be feeling. “You always just see a ‘things are good’ sentiment. With Workleap Officevibe creating that safe space for the team, it showed me that under the surface, there was a lot going on.”

The loudest voice in the room is often the one we rely on to get a sense of how things are going on a team – but that doesn’t always paint the full picture.

Workleap Officevibe had allowed the team members who weren’t as comfortable speaking up in a group setting to share their thoughts too, and that’s been really helpful.

But can I really express my thoughts?

When Workleap Officevibe first came to CampMinder, Amber says her team was excited - but that their excitement was measured.

“There were questions around, ‘What is my level of comfort sharing my true thoughts and feelings? How do I know if I’m really anonymous? If I choose not to be anonymous, how do I know that I’m safe sharing information with my direct manager and their direct manager?” she says.

Amber believes it was CampMinder’s transparent culture that helped most. A few years ago, when she received some tough anonymous feedback from an employee that compelled her to self-reflect, transparency was her North Star. She responded to the feedback right away and took the initiative of discussing it as a group at the next team meeting. She made sure her team understood that the feedback was valid, then worked on the points the employee had made – without ever seeking to discover who had submitted it. Doing so showed vulnerability, built trust, and helped her to grow as a manager.

From that point on, I saw my team really open up and be more willing to share. Not just about me, but about changes or trends they were seeing throughout the company and the business, which has turned out to be really helpful for us.

Today, Amber’s Relationship with Manager score is one of the platform’s all-time highest, at 9.7/10.

CampMinder highest Officevibe metrics

Increasing Engagement with clear metrics

We asked Amber which Workleap Officevibe metrics she felt most informed her success as a manager. She says she looks at four key indicators to ensure she’s doing her job right:

  • Relationship with Peers, which gives her a look at how the team is collaborating;
  • Alignment with the Company, which gives her an indicator about her team’s progress toward goals; and
  • Feedback and Recognition, which tell her how her team feels about their progression, and their ability to do their jobs correctly.

“Knowing these things helps me drive the engagement of my employees, and that leads to better customer satisfaction.”

And customer satisfaction isn’t the only great thing that comes from taking such good care of her team’s metrics. Amber’s Relationship with Manager score, a metric that shows how her team feels about Amber, her work, and their collaboration, is near-perfect. In fact, at 9.7/10, she has one of the highest ratings on our entire platform.

Amber’s key benefits

  • Workleap Officevibe builds trust, collaboration and alignment on her team, especially important in a remote work context;
  • Giving everyone a voice through Workleap Officevibe has helped Amber discover unexpected blind spots;
  • Being open about Workleap Officevibe feedback and acting to change it has drastically improved her relationship with her team;
  • Amber’s Workleap Officevibe metrics inform her success as a manager, both within her team and company.
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