Free webinar

How to cultivate an environment of continuous learning and development

Featuring Kiara Graham, Talent Management and Organizational Development Advisor, Workleap and Mathieu Dumont, Product Director, Workleap LMS

Hero Image - How to cultivate an environment of continuous learning and development

In this webinar, you'll learn

Mathieu Dumont and Kiara Graham discuss the importance of continuous learning and development in today's dynamic workplace. In this session, you’ll discover practical approaches to cultivating a learning culture, identifying individual development needs, and providing resources for knowledge sharing.

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Who’s talking

Kiara Graham

Talent Management and Organizational Development Advisor, Workleap

Kiara Graham is a seasoned talent development professional with over a decade of diverse industry experience in learning and development. With a background in educational technology, she excels in change management and learning experience design, supporting organizations in transforming their talent strategies.

Portrait of Kiara Graham

Mathieu Dumont

Product Director, Workleap LMS

As a co-founder of Didacte (now Workleap LMS), Mathieu is a passionate advocate for sustainable entrepreneurship. He believes in the profound impact humans can have on organizational performance.

Driven by a fascination for streamlining processes for optimal efficiency, he thrives in challenging conventional norms and exploring overlooked solutions. By embracing a unique approach, he breaks away from social conventions to uncover innovative paths.

With an entrepreneurial spirit and a visionary mindset, he is dedicated to driving positive change and inspiring growth in the world of HR and beyond.

Portrait of Mathieu Dumont

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