Vibe Check episode 11: The art of giving and receiving feedback

Published on 
March 4, 2024

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Welcome back to another episode of our Vibe Check series! In this episode, we explore the intricate dance of giving and receiving feedback in the workplace. Joining us is former sports coach and feedback expert Sophie Gadoury, here to help us unravel the nuances of constructive criticism, and its impact on employee growth and organizational success.

The parallels between sports coaching and management are apparent. This chat reminds us how important it is for managers and leaders to be team players, and why feedback is core to providing clear direction.

Watch (or listen) to this episode to:

  • Understand how acceptance and learning intersect within feedback
  • Differentiate between constructive and detrimental feedback
  • Learn feedback strategies to cultivate empathy and connection
  • Change the perception of feedback from negative to empowering

Feedback sits at the intersection of two needs: the need to be accepted as we are and the need to be constantly learning.

Sophie Gadoury, feedback coach

Intentionality and human connection at the heart of healthy feedback dynamics

Feedback isn’t a one-way street. It’s a dialogue between two or more people that requires finesse and empathy. It’s also not just about conveying information. After all, feedback is an opportunity for improvement and skill development too. Everyone benefits from a feedback culture — employees feel engaged and organizations experience improved performance. The key to getting it right is to cultivate curiosity and empathy to truly understand each other’s goals and aspirations.

Leading a team toward success is about fostering ongoing feedback conversations and creating optimal environments where individuals feel cared for, connected, and competent. Without proper attention or the care that goes into creating constructive conversations, it’s challenging for individuals to feel motivated, empowered, and thrive. Sophie also emphasizes the importance of accepting challenges, embracing discomfort, and seeing the beauty of the journey. Now that’s what we call having a growth mindset.

📺 Watch the full episode below for more insights on performance psychology and feedback strategies.

Meet our illustrious guest, Sophie Gadoury

Sophie Gadoury is a seasoned feedback dynamics expert specializing in improving workplace culture through feedback coaching. Having been on both the receiving and giving end of feedback, the former volleyball player-turned-coach-turned-entrepreneur sheds light on the transformative power of feedback in driving individual and organizational excellence.

Everything seems to be so negative when we think of feedback. My mission is to change [feedback’s] reputation in the workplace.

Sophie Gadoury

Organizational culture and engagement being her passion, Sophie is the co-founder of nimble bubble, a collective helping leaders and coaches learn about autonomy-supportive strategies to help professionals and athletes bloom. Click here to learn more about nimble bubble workshops and conferences.

Vibe Check: A conversation series filled with real talk & genuine advice

Vibe Check, Workleap Officevibe’s conversation series, is a place where we have open, honest, and authentic conversations about the human side of business. Our goal is to help you achieve better business outcomes with people-led initiatives.

To set your business up for success, you need real, proven advice. And we have the right experts to give you just that. No sugarcoating or beating around the bush. Just real talk and genuine advice from people who’ve been there, done that. That’s what Vibe Check stands for.

So, what’s a vibe check? It’s a phrase for asking “How are you really doing?” It opens the door to meaningful conversations between colleagues, professionals, and most importantly, human beings.

Want more Vibe Check? Tune into the full series on Spotify or YouTube!

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