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As the competition for talent shows no sign of slowing down, knowing how you can improve employee engagement and retention will not only save time and resources but also spare you the heartache that comes with losing and trying to replace exceptional talent. 

While you can't stop every employee from pursuing new opportunities, a recent Gallup poll shows that approximately 52% of all exiting employees believe their manager or employer could have prevented them from leaving their job. 

Being proactive about employee retention often correlates with being proactive about employee engagement. Engaged and productive employees are more likely to enjoy their work and are less likely to seek out other professional opportunities.

High employee engagement also unlocks benefits that enrich your organization such as stronger team bonds, increased productivity, and higher overall employee morale.

{emphasize}Discover top strategies for improving employee engagement and retention

What is employee retention and why does it matter?

Employee retention refers to a company's ability and effort to keep its existing employees year-over-year and prevent them from looking for professional opportunities elsewhere. On the other side of the coin, we have employee turnover, which represents the rate at which employees leave your organization (voluntarily or involuntarily) and are replaced by new ones.

So why should leaders care about retaining their people? When an employee leaves a company, it can have heavy ramifications on the rest of the workplace. But by nurturing a positive employee experience, a business can see the following benefits:

  • Stronger employee loyalty
  • Higher employee engagement
  • Healthier company culture
  • Lower turnover rates
  • Increased productivity

👀 Want to learn more about employee retention? Check out these 10 eye-opening employee retention statistics.

How are employee engagement and employee retention related?

Employee engagement refers to the mindset and emotional commitment your team members have with your organization based on their experience at work. While some people interchange employee engagement with employee happiness, the two differ.

Employee satisfaction means that a team member is satisfied enough with their position that they aren't actively seeking other work. But it doesn't necessarily mean they're committed to giving their 100% to the organization and their role. In many cases, satisfied employees may be more motivated by external factors like salary or benefits than their daily tasks.

On the other hand, employee engagement measures how involved and emotionally invested an employee is in their job. Engaged employees are excited to come to work, ready to tackle new challenges, and often encourage the rest of their team to strive for success.

The relationship between engaged employees and high employee retention is simple. Employees who like what they do are more likely to stay in that job than hunt around for new employers.

Addressing engagement concerns often leads to improved morale and lower employee turnover rates. Proactively maintaining a high engagement rate promotes company success by retaining your top talent.

Case study: How LG2 improved employee engagement and retention at scale

What does it take to stay connected to your people and sustain great employee retention, especially during rapid growth? Creative agency LG2 integrated Officevibe to help their managers better connect with their growing distributed teams, and we got the inside scoop on how it helped them successfully retain top talent.

Challenge: Difficult to keep new employees connected

LG2 was on its way to becoming the largest independent creative agency in Canada, but as the team rapidly grew from 32 to 50 people, with minimal HR support, the responsibility of keeping morale high and teams engaged fell on the managers. Some were more natural in this role than others, so they needed to find a way to level the playing field and ensure all employees were happy with the work culture.

It became more challenging to have one-on-one meetings and they weren't getting much feedback through town halls. In a new virtual world, it was hard to get a pulse of what was really going on.

To help managers connect with their teams in a more meaningful and useful way, they needed a tool that could help employees feel safe sharing their thoughts and concerns, make it easier for managers to acknowledge and action issues, and maintain regular open communication.

Solution: Focus on improving the employee engagement strategy with the help of Officevibe

Luckily, they discovered Officevibe at just the right time. This people-first employee experience platform created a safe space that facilitated open and productive conversations between managers and staff. It also helped them identify priorities, get a better look at team satisfaction, make one-on-one meetings more meaningful, and celebrate team efforts. Overall, it was a great solution for improving relationships and decision-making and maintaining a positive employee culture.

Outcome: Higher employee retention than the industry standard

The most notable result was achieving an exceptional level of employee retention. They achieved an average annual turnover rate of 5%, beating the industry average by a whopping 500%. In terms of seniority, 50% of employees have been with the company for 5 years or more, and 25% for 10 years or more.

Check out the entire case study to see how Officevibe helped.

10 ways to improve employee engagement and retention

To improve employee retention and engagement may feel like a tall order, especially for companies with high attrition and low job satisfaction. The good news is that there are an array of cost-effective employee retention strategies that will reduce turnover rates while simultaneously boosting employee engagement, wellness, and productivity in the workplace.

1. Have a solid onboarding process

The onboarding process is one of the first interactions an employee has with a company. New employees might feel uncertain about their position in the organization, and neglecting them at this point can lead to poor engagement and retention.

Common challenges with developing an onboarding process:

  • When an organization is fast-paced, the perception is that spending too much time on onboarding might actually hinder productivity.
  • When resources are limited, some organizations feel they can't afford the investment needed to develop a comprehensive onboarding process.

Positive interactions set a strong foundation and ensure that the employee feels welcomed, valued, and appreciated. But few organizations have a fully defined onboarding process.

Developing one means your new hire can hit the ground running and have the confidence to perform well from the very beginning.

Great onboarding is one of the first pieces of the great employee experience puzzle. In fact, effective onboarding even leads to faster employee productivity in the long run.

Onboarding can be optimized with existing resources through effective structuring and documentation, so make sure your new hires start off on the right foot with the help of a seamless onboarding platform.

Actions you can take today:

  • Put together a complete onboarding checklist that covers everything from A to Z. This means tasks like setting up equipment, introducing company policies, and assigning a mentor or buddy to help guide new hires.
  • Address any questions or concerns during the onboarding process by having regular check-ins. This helps ensure new employees feel supported from the very start.

2. Foster a positive company culture

A competitive workplace culture may seem like it produces results, but the truth is that whatever gains you reap are mitigated by attrition and loss of talent. Many companies have noted that a happy and engaged workforce is significantly more productive.

Typical challenges with building company culture:

  • Having a positive company culture is a good thing, but some think it could lead to complacency, reduced drive for innovation, and a lack of improvement.
  • It takes time and effort to build a positive company culture, so an organization might not see immediate results in terms of better engagement and retention.

A positive company culture is more cost effective as teams and employees can focus on excelling rather than worrying about a lack of support or dealing with a negative environment.

When you foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement, you tend to drive innovation and avoid complacency. Implementing mechanisms like regular brainstorming sessions or innovation challenges are a great way to stimulate creativity and proactive thinking.

There are many moving pieces when it comes to fostering inclusive company culture. However, with consistency and hard work, any business can improve retention and increase employee engagement, through a more positive, open culture.

At the end of the day, it's important to remember that a positive culture has long-term benefits, including improved engagement, retention, and overall employee contentment.

The best way to get there is to focus on small, incremental changes that align with the culture you're trying to create, and reinforce them consistently to create the positive work environment you strive for.

Looking for insights into how your company fares in its culture? Use Officevibe's culture assessment template to gain new perspectives.

Actions you can take today:

  • Implement regular team meetings and feedback sessions that support open communication and encourage employees to freely express their ideas, concerns, and suggestions.
  • Make employee recognition a priority by regularly celebrating their achievements and milestones. Rewards or a dedicated recognition program are great ways to make it happen.

3. Seek employee feedback

One of the best ways to gauge and improve engagement is to ask your employees to share their thoughts. Even collecting employee feedback can engage employees, as they have more say in the experience, their expectations, and company culture, especially when they see their input taken seriously and implemented.

Challenges when seeking employee feedback:

  • When you collect employee feedback, you open the doors to complaints and negativity that could create a toxic work environment when approached the wrong way.
  • When employees are asked to provide honest feedback, they may be hesitant and fear the repercussions, or feel that their input will not be acted upon.

Honest employee feedback gives you deeper insights into issues that matter to them and may even reveal potential improvements to business operations and processes.

It's essential to create a healthy feedback culture by establishing clear guidelines and expectations for providing constructive feedback.

When setting these expectations, encourage suggestions and solutions for improvement, rather than solely focusing on the complaint. A great way to do this is to create anonymous feedback mechanisms that provide employees with a safe space to share their thoughts openly and without fear of judgment.

Make sure they are aware that their feedback is always confidential and will be used to drive positive changes (rather than for punitive purposes!).

Actions you can take today:

  • Gather anonymous feedback from employees via regular pulse surveys. Check in on things like their current level of satisfaction, and how happy they are with communication and opportunities for growth.
  • Share the results of the employee feedback surveys and take visible actions based on the feedback you got. This kind of feedback loop is a game-changer.

4. Make your employees feel valued

One of the biggest culprits of low employee engagement is a lack of recognition. If you treat employees like cogs in a machine, they will start to feel disposable and invisible. Soon, they will likely leave for a company that values them as individuals.

Common challenges with trying to make your employees feel valued:

  • Employees may develop a sense of entitlement and expect rewards for routine tasks if they receive regular recognition for their efforts.
  • Trying to cater to the different preferences and needs of all employees, like the way they like to receive recognition, can be challenging.

A great employee engagement and retention strategy is to offer regular recognition for all employees and to highlight big achievements and strong efforts alike. Employee recognition shows that your business values its workforce and motivates peers to challenge themselves to achieve the same level of recognition.

When you tie recognition to exceptional achievements and contributions beyond routine tasks, it helps you avoid the sense of entitlement mentioned above. Get started by establishing clear criteria for recognition, with a focus on outcomes and impact, and not just on the completion of routine tasks.

During the process, be sure to implement a variety of recognition methods, including verbal praise, team acknowledgments, and personalized rewards, to accommodate different preferences and switch things up.

Since everyone is different, it's a good idea to encourage employees to provide input on their personal preferred forms of recognition. This allows for customization and personalization within reasonable boundaries.

It's important to get employee input on how they feel about the recognition they receive. Ask these employee recognition survey questions to gain valuable and actionable insights.

Actions you can take today:

  • Support employees to nominate and appreciate their colleagues for their exceptional work and efforts through a peer recognition program.
  • Establish individual employee preferences and acknowledge their efforts with personal recognition delivered in a way that resonates with them.

5. Promote a healthy work-life balance

A healthy work-life balance is key to keeping employees motivated and engaged, and is no longer something that can be compromised. The recent shift to a more hybrid or remote work model has only highlighted this further as people have more flexibility with their time, and more autonomy in their lives. Healthy work-life balance benefits everyone, the employees and the company.

Common challenges when trying to promote a good work-life balance:

  • Promoting a good work-life balance can sometimes create a perception that personal life always takes precedence over work, potentially affecting productivity and commitment to the organization.
  • Achieving perfect work-life balance can be challenging, and even impractical, especially in certain industries or roles that have demanding deadlines or high client expectations.

It's important to note that healthy work-life balance actually enhances productivity. It gives employees the chance to properly recharge and maintain a better overall well-being.

Now more than ever, it's also important to clarify that work-life balance means finding a healthy blend of personal and professional life without neglecting work responsibilities.

We all know that it can be a challenge trying to achieve a perfect balance, so it's best to strive for a situation that's reasonable and sustainable.

Encourage flexibility with your employees and provide support systems to help them manage demanding workloads while still maintaining a sense of balance and well-being.

There are other ways companies can support employees towards a healthy work-life balance. Learn what works best for your team with employee wellness surveys.

Actions you can take today:

  • Remind employees to disconnect from work by taking breaks and setting clear boundaries. Always promote the importance of work-life balance!
  • Implement flexible work arrangements, like remote work or flexible hours. This enables employees to tend to personal responsibilities and help achieve a better work-life balance.

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6. Offer competitive pay and perks to retain engaged employees

Some employees may genuinely feel passionate about their work but still seek employment elsewhere to earn higher compensation. While money doesn't automatically guarantee happiness, it can alleviate financial stress which can impact productivity and employee well-being.

Challenges when trying to offer competitive pay:

  • Offering competitive pay may attract people whose sole priority is money. This can make for a less engaged and less dedicated workforce.
  • Providing perks above and beyond the norm could strain the company's financial health. It impacts long-term profitability and isn't sustainable.

Higher employee morale translates into higher employee engagement, so paying your people a competitive salary and having thoughtful perks that reflect employee needs can improve performance and dramatically reduce your company's turnover rate.

Some things to keep in mind are that it's best to align compensation with performance and also incorporate non-monetary incentives. Both factors help foster a culture of dedication and engagement.

Secondly, implement a comprehensive selection process that assesses candidates' alignment with your organization's values and cultural fit. This helps ensure a holistic evaluation beyond monetary motivations.

When it comes to perks, prioritize those that have a high impact on employee contentment and engagement. Make them meaningful rather than excessive.

And lastly, stay on track by conducting a cost-benefit analysis to identify the perks that provide the most value relative to their cost. This helps you take a sustainable approach to employee benefits while maintaining financial stability. This way, everyone is happy!

Actions you can take today:

  • Regularly review and benchmark salaries to ensure that salaries are competitive within the industry. Plus, consider performance-based incentives to reward high achievers.
  • Make a comprehensive benefits package a priority. Focus on employee needs like healthcare, wellness programs, professional development opportunities, and of course, ample paid time off.

7. Practice what you preach

Many employees will seek out organizations with strong values that align with their moral compasses. Employees want to contribute to these values, so employers must adhere to them in their jobs.

Some responses for why it's hard to actually practice what you preach:

  • Company values can get in the way of flexibility and make it more challenging to adapt to changing market conditions or evolving business strategies.
  • High-pressure situations or conflicting priorities can make it challenging for leaders and managers to consistently uphold company values.

If employees feel that the company doesn't embody those values in its day-to-day operations, they're less likely to feel passionate about their work. As a result, they may leave for an organization that upholds and lives by its mission statement and company goals. Luckily, there are some solutions to this.

Start by ensuring that your company values are adaptable and aligned with the company's mission and overall vision. This allows for greater flexibility so you can stay the course during market changes while maintaining core principles. Continuously assessing and reviewing these values also helps ensure they remain relevant and supportive of both the organization's long-term goals and the dynamic business environment.

Of course, this all stems from the top. That's why it's great to provide leadership development programs that focus on helping leaders understand and integrate company values into their daily decision-making processes.

A supportive culture that encourages open communication and transparency will always function best as it allows leaders and managers to seek the guidance they need and make value-aligned decisions, even in challenging or unexpected situations.

Actions you can take today:

  • Define and communicate the company's values in a clear and concise way in order to ensure they're implemented throughout the organization. This applies to everything from decision-making to daily operations.
  • Demonstrate the behaviors you wish to create by leading by example and factoring the company's values in your own actions and interactions as a manager.

8. Provide growth opportunities

Few people want to stay in the same role throughout their careers. Having clear growth paths can improve employee engagement by motivating your people to exceed their expectations and achieve their career goals within the organization.

Common fears when trying to decide how to invest in employee development:

  • When you invest in employee development, employees bring greater value to the table. This can make them stand out to competitors and possibly lead to higher turnover.
  • Providing tailored growth opportunities to all employees as they have different growth aspirations and different levels of desire for additional responsibilities is challenging.

A lack of clear growth and career development opportunities is usually an indicator of high turnover, as employees move to other jobs that offer them support for professional development. Providing growth opportunities for engagement and retention is about more than meeting training needs. As a leader, you need to sit down with your employees, identify career development goals, create clear growth paths, and provide opportunities for success within the company.

Increasing employee engagement through career development has several added benefits to companies. Benefits include retaining higher-quality talent over a more extended period, resulting in a more experienced workforce and an improved body of expertise.

Here's how you can do it: Implement a comprehensive employee retention strategy that combines development opportunities with competitive compensation and a positive work environment. Emphasize your organization's commitment to employee growth and career advancement. This fosters loyalty and creates an environment where employees see long-term benefits beyond immediate job prospects.

As everyone is different, be sure to offer a variety of development opportunities, including both vertical and horizontal growth paths, to accommodate each individual's career aspirations and preferences. Then, implement personalized development plans or career conversations to understand each employee's goals, and align growth opportunities accordingly. Remember to always focus on areas that resonate with each employee's unique interests and skills.

Remember: As long as your organization uses other retention strategies and keeps your employees engaged, you don't have to worry that your best employees will leave after receiving development opportunities. You can reap the benefits of having a highly-skilled, motivated workforce.

Actions you can take today:

  • Craft a career development program for employees. This should include regular performance evaluations, goal-setting, and individual development plans.
  • Help enhance employees' skills and provide opportunities for professional growth by giving them access to training programs, workshops, and online learning platforms.

9. Keep employees informed

Many leaders neglect to inform their employees about significant organizational changes. Rumors and uncertainty can significantly impact employee engagement and retention. This anxiety may lead to loss of talent as employees pre-emptively look for other work to escape what they fear may be an unstable environment or a change in leadership.

Reasons why some organizations don't keep employees in the loop:

  • When you're transparent about organizational changes, it can decrease morale, cause anxiety among employees, and breed uncertainty.
  • While you want to include employees in the decision-making processes, it can be detrimental in that it can actually slow it down, reduce consensus, and lead to a lack of clear direction.

Transparency can reduce high turnover by providing clarity about corporate issues. Well-informed employees are less likely to panic and start looking for other jobs but don't underestimate the importance of making them feel more valued and respected by being included in decisions about how business culture can adapt to changes. This is called “leading through change” and this strategy is sure to reduce employee turnover and improve engagement.

It's actually best to create regular communication channels, like town hall meetings or Q&A sessions, in order to address employee comments and concerns and provide opportunities for discussion and clarification. Having a structured decision-making process in place can help balance employee involvement efficiently, and ensure that decisions are made in a timely manner.

Actions you can take today:

  • Put transparent communication channels in place. Think regular updates across the organization, town hall meetings, or even newsletters. This keeps everyone up to speed on the latest updates and changes within the company.
  • Seek feedback and input from employees to create a sense of ownership and involvement in the decision-making process for things that impact both their own work, and the entire company.

10. Track employee engagement

The best way to avoid high turnover is to proactively manage and measure employee engagement. Measuring employee engagement can range from directly asking employees about their feelings to sending out regular pulse surveys and questionnaires.

Reasons why some teams don't track employee engagement:

  • When you focusing on tracking engagement metrics, then the numbers become the primary focus rather than addressing underlying issues. We want to avoid having checkbox mentality.
  • We can't get a holistic view of employee satisfaction and motivation when we only measure engagement. It doesn't account for qualitative factors or individual circumstances.

Understanding the current level of employee engagement gives business leaders the ability to correct course and identify potential issues that may be leading to the loss of talent. Tracking also allows HR leaders to monitor the success of their employee engagement initiatives and allow them to continue with the strategies that yield positive outcomes, and ditch the others.

One of the most effective methods is to use engagement metrics as a starting point to identify areas of concern, prioritize qualitative feedback, and open discussions to gain deeper insights into underlying issues.

What matters is how you then interpret engagement metrics and act on them in the context of the overall employee experience. Use them as a tool for improvement rather than solely as a measure of success, and see the positive changes that follow!

Remember to always take individual circumstances into account by considering factors like team dynamics, workload, and personal challenges when interpreting engagement data. This allows for a more nuanced understanding of employee experiences.

Actions you can take today:

  • Start measuring engagement levels by implementing regular employee engagement surveys. Asking both quantitative and qualitative questions can help you identify areas for improvement.
  • Put key performance indicators (KPIs) into play. Make sure each one relates to employee engagement factors like retention rate, absenteeism rate, or employee satisfaction scores. When you consistently track and analyze these metrics, you get a better sense of how effective the engagement initiatives are.

Reduce employee turnover with better employee engagement and retention strategies

Employee engagement and retention are critical to organizational success. Engagement can affect almost every aspect of an individual's performance, from productivity to their ability to inspire their team members.

The key to improving employee engagement is to measure it accurately. Officevibe enables companies to measure the engagement of their workforce using science-backed questions, identify issues and areas of improvement, and track the success of current employee retention strategies.

Officevibe's employee engagement solution helps you to increase engagement and employee retention, keep an ear to the ground to satisfy your team, and find new ways to keep your employees engaged and motivated.

Quand vous entendez « évaluation des performances », qu'est-ce qui vous vient à l'esprit ? En tant que manager, considérez-vous qu'il s'agit d'une tâche annuelle qui ne fait qu'une partie de votre liste de contrôle ? Ou peut-être pensez-vous qu'il s'agit d'un processus laborieux sans résultat clairement utile ?

Rassurez-vous, le processus d'évaluation des performances peut être utilisé de manière stratégique et doit absolument être réalisé de manière structurée, efficace et percutante.

Dans cet article, vous trouverez votre guide ultime en matière d'évaluation des performances des employés. Nous vous expliquerons les étapes essentielles à la réalisation d'évaluations de performance efficaces et vous fournirons des conseils sur ce à quoi devrait ressembler une évaluation réussie, avant, pendant et après. Lorsqu'ils sont bien exécutés, ils peuvent contribuer à la croissance et au développement des employés et à l'amélioration des performances de l'entreprise.


Voici tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour mener à bien des évaluations de performance des employés


Qu'est-ce qu'une évaluation des performances des employés ?

Passons d'abord aux bases. À la base, une évaluation des performances est un processus structuré qui évalue les performances professionnelles d'une personne et fournit des commentaires constructifs. Les évaluations des performances constituent un élément essentiel du processus de gestion des performances et soutenir l'établissement d'objectifs, le suivi et la responsabilisation.

Traditionnellement, une évaluation des performances est un événement annuel, mais dans le monde du travail moderne, où la gestion continue des performances gagne du terrain, les évaluations des performances ont pris différentes formes, qu'il s'agisse de contrôles réguliers ou de commentaires continus pour favoriser le développement et l'amélioration des employés. Dans ce nouvelle ère de gestion de la performance, les managers ressemblent davantage à des coachs qui donnent à leurs employés les moyens d'atteindre leur plein potentiel.

👉 Retrouvez notre guide des méthode moderne de mener des évaluations de performance avec des conseils pertinents et des études de cas pour vous inspirer.

Pourquoi les évaluations de performance des employés sont-elles importantes ?

Les évaluations de performance ne doivent pas nécessairement être compliquées, tant que vous ne sous-estimez pas leur pouvoir. Ils offrent de nombreux avantages aux particuliers et aux organisations à tous les niveaux. Ils :

  • Améliorez la communication
  • Identifier les forces et les faiblesses
  • Faciliter l'établissement d'objectifs
  • Améliorez l'engagement des employés
  • Renforcer les relations entre employés et dirigeants

En investissant dans les évaluations de performance, vous ouvrez la voie à une amélioration continue et vous favorisez une culture de travail plus positive.

Principaux éléments d'une évaluation des performances efficace

Les évaluations de performance jouent un rôle crucial dans la croissance et le développement des employés tout en contribuant à l'amélioration des performances de l'entreprise. Pour mener des évaluations de performance percutantes, il est essentiel d'intégrer des éléments clés qui favorisent un environnement favorable, collaboratif et, en fin de compte, florissant.

Voici les principaux éléments d'un processus d'évaluation des performances efficace :

Cycles de révision fréquents

Éloignez-vous de l'évaluation annuelle des performances, source d'anxiété, et normalisez les conversations sur les performances. La mise en œuvre de cycles d'évaluation réguliers permet un feedback continu, garantissant ainsi aux employés de rester sur la bonne voie et d'avoir la possibilité de se développer continuellement.

Par exemple, les contrôles trimestriels ou mensuels fournissent un retour d'information en temps opportun et aident à combler rapidement les écarts de performance.

Conversations bidirectionnelles

Les évaluations de performance ne devraient pas être partiales. En impliquant les employés dans des conversations bidirectionnelles, vous démontrez que leurs opinions et leurs points de vue sont valorisés, ce qui favorise un sentiment d'appartenance et d'engagement.

Encouragez un dialogue ouvert et créez un espace permettant aux employés de partager leurs points de vue, de faire des suggestions et de participer activement au processus d'évaluation.

Axé sur les améliorations

Les évaluations de performance modernes mettent davantage l'accent sur la croissance et le développement plutôt que sur les erreurs du passé. En adoptant une approche avant-gardiste, vous inspirez un état d'esprit de croissance et vous créez une culture qui soutient l'apprentissage et le développement continus.

Encouragez les employés à réfléchir à leurs expériences, à en tirer des leçons et à se fixer des objectifs d'amélioration.

Transparence et honnêteté

La transparence et l'honnêteté sont primordiales dans favoriser la confiance entre les managers et les employés. Établissez des canaux de communication clairs pour vous assurer que les employés comprennent comment leur performance est évaluée et comment les commentaires seront fournis.

La transparence implique également de communiquer clairement les critères d'évaluation et de s'assurer que les employés ont accès aux ressources nécessaires pour s'améliorer.

Processus d'évaluation juste et objectif

Un processus d'évaluation juste et objectif est essentiel pour le moral et l'engagement des employés. Utilisez des critères d'évaluation standardisés qui sont appliqués de manière cohérente dans l'ensemble de l'organisation. Cela contribue à maintenir l'équité et garantit que les employés ont le sentiment que leur performance est évaluée sur une base égale.

Les évaluations objectives favorisent la confiance et donnent aux employés un sentiment de confiance dans le processus d'évaluation.

Comment se préparer à une évaluation des performances

Pour mener à bien une évaluation des performances efficace, les responsables doivent se préparer à l'avance. Voici les principales étapes de préparation pour vous préparer :

1. S'aligner sur les critères d'évaluation des performances

Les évaluations de performance nécessitent une compréhension claire des critères et des mesures utilisés pour évaluer les performances des employés. Il est essentiel que les managers et les employés aient une compréhension commune de ce qui constitue une bonne ou une mauvaise performance.

Par exemple, vous pouvez établir des critères tels que le respect des délais du projet, la démonstration de solides compétences en communication ou la démonstration de capacités proactives de résolution de problèmes. En alignant ces critères, vous pouvez garantir l'équité et la cohérence de vos évaluations.

2. Recueillez des données et des exemples sur les employés

À fournir des commentaires pertinents sur les performances, collectez des données qualitatives et quantitatives pertinentes, ainsi que des exemples illustrant les performances d'un employé.

Il existe différentes méthodes d'évaluation des performances, qui peuvent toutes être mises en commun pour dresser un tableau complet des performances. Les données qualitatives peuvent provenir de l'auto-évaluation des employés, évaluations par les pairs, ou des évaluations des superviseurs. Alors que les données quantitatives peuvent provenir des chiffres de vente ou d'autres indicateurs de productivité.

En collectant une série de données et d'exemples, vous aurez une vision complète des performances de l'employé qui prend en compte tous les facteurs, et pas seulement les chiffres.

3. Utiliser un modèle d'évaluation des performances

Les modèles existent pour une bonne raison. Ils fournissent une structure préexistante à partir de laquelle vous pouvez vous appuyer et personnaliser. Ils vous font également gagner du temps !

Les modèles d'évaluation des performances fournissent un ensemble de questions ciblées qui vous guident à travers chaque aspect de l'évaluation, en vous assurant de couvrir tous les domaines pertinents avec votre employé. L'utilisation d'un modèle permet de gagner du temps de préparation et de maintenir la cohérence de l'évaluation de chaque membre de l'équipe. Cela garantit également qu'aucun sujet ou question important n'est négligé.

OfficeVibe comprend modèles d'évaluation des performances conçu pour rendre le processus de révision encore plus rationalisé, efficace et axé sur les données.

A preview of Officevibe's employee performance review template
Utilisez les modèles d'évaluation des performances dans Officevibe.

4. Préparer l'ordre du jour de la réunion

Avant le réunion d'évaluation des performances, créez un ordre du jour détaillé pour orienter la discussion. Décrivez les sujets spécifiques que vous souhaitez aborder, tels que les réalisations, les domaines à améliorer et les objectifs futurs. Envisagez d'inclure des exemples ou des projets spécifiques à discuter lors de la réunion.

Le fait d'avoir un ordre du jour clair permet de garder la conversation ciblée et de garantir que tous les points importants sont abordés. Cela montre également aux employés que vous avez pris le temps de vous préparer et d'évaluer leurs performances.

👀 Consultez notre ordres du jour des réunions individuelles qui couvrent la plupart des scénarios entre managers et employés, y compris les évaluations des performances, les plans d'amélioration des performances, le développement de carrière, et plus encore !

5. Planifiez votre réunion d'évaluation des performances

Fixez une date et une heure pour l'évaluation des performances qui conviennent à la fois à vous et à l'employé. Choisissez un moment où vous pouvez accorder toute votre attention et créer un environnement confortable pour une conversation ouverte et honnête.

Évitez de programmer la révision pendant des périodes particulièrement chargées ou stressantes afin de consacrer suffisamment de temps et d'attention à la discussion. La planification de la réunion à l'avance démontre votre engagement à l'égard de la croissance et du développement de l'employé.

En suivant ces étapes et en vous préparant de manière adéquate à l'évaluation des performances, vous préparez le terrain pour une discussion productive et fructueuse avec vos employés. Une préparation efficace garantit que vous disposez des informations, de la structure et de la concentration nécessaires pour fournir des commentaires significatifs et ouvrir la voie à une croissance future.

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Comment effectuer une évaluation des performances des employés

Maintenant que vous êtes prêt, voyons comment mener une évaluation des performances efficace. C'est le moment d'engager une conversation productive qui favorise la croissance et le développement des employés.

Les directives suivantes fournissent cadre d'évaluation des performances vous devez promouvoir le développement des employés, favoriser des relations positives et favoriser la réussite de l'organisation :

1. Donnez un ton positif et constructif lors de l'évaluation

Abordez l'évaluation avec un soutien et état d'esprit d'entraîneur. Il est essentiel de créer un espace sûr pour un dialogue ouvert, qui favorise la collaboration bien mieux que lorsque les employés n'ont pas l'impression d'avoir leur mot à dire. N'oubliez pas que l'objectif est de responsabiliser les employés dans leurs performances futures en mettant l'accent sur ce dont ils sont capables plutôt que de renforcer ce qu'ils ne font peut-être pas assez bien.

2. Partagez des commentaires positifs et des remerciements

Semblable à l'approche sandwich du compliment, qui consiste à équilibrer feedback positif avec des domaines à améliorer, cela peut aller très loin. N'oubliez pas de partager vos propres commentaires et mots de remerciement pour renforcer les liens entre votre manager et vos employés. De plus, transmettez tous les commentaires que vous avez reçus d'autres collègues ou dirigeants, qui pourraient aider l'employé à se sentir valorisé et apprécié.

3. Offrez des commentaires constructifs

Discutez de tout problème de performance ou de tout domaine de sous-performance de manière directe et constructive. En présentant les choses de manière constructive et en utilisant des exemples spécifiques pour illustrer vos arguments, vous proposez des solutions plus concrètes pour la croissance. Naviguez dans des conversations difficiles avec empathie et en mettant l'accent sur la recherche de solutions ensemble.

Vous avez besoin d'inspiration pour trouver des commentaires de qualité ? Voici 22 exemples de commentaires constructifs et des conseils pour vous aider à fournir des commentaires qui donnent des résultats.

4. Donnez des exemples précis

En fournissant des exemples spécifiques, vous pouvez garantir la clarté et faciliter des discussions productives. Veillez à étayer vos commentaires par des exemples concrets pour les rendre plus percutants et exploitables. La contextualisation des commentaires à l'aide d'exemples de performances actuelles et passées aide les employés à comprendre les comportements ou les situations spécifiques qui doivent être améliorés ou renforcés.

5. Relever les défis liés aux performances

Au cours de l'examen, relever tous les défis en matière de performances ou des domaines où les résultats sont insuffisants, de manière directe et constructive. Il existe de nombreuses façons d'aborder les problèmes de mauvaise performance au travail, mais n'oubliez pas de mener ces conversations avec empathie et en mettant l'accent sur la recherche de solutions. En relevant les défis de front, vous pouvez travailler avec l'employé pour identifier des stratégies d'amélioration et de croissance.

Certes, certaines conversations sont un peu plus difficiles que d'autres. Hé, les managers ne sont que des humains. Lisez notre conseils de conversation difficiles pour vous assurer que le message (et la solution) ne se perdent pas dans la traduction.

6. Écoutez activement

Lors de l'évaluation des performances, pratiquez l'écoute active pour montrer un réel intérêt pour le point de vue de l'employé. Prêtez attention à leurs pensées, à leurs préoccupations et à leurs aspirations. En écoutant activement, vous créez un environnement dans lequel les employés se sentent écoutés et valorisés, ce qui favorise la confiance et l'engagement.

L'écoute active est certainement l'une de ces compétences qui peuvent aider n'importe qui dans tous les domaines de la vie, et pas seulement au travail ! Alors lisez notre conseils pour pratiquer l'art d'une bonne écoute.

7. Définissez les prochaines étapes

Collaborez avec l'employé pour identifier les prochaines étapes réalisables. Cela pourrait ressembler à ceci :

  • Création d'un plan de développement
  • Fixer des objectifs clairs à des fins d'amélioration
  • Ajustez les objectifs de performance existants si nécessaire

En impliquant les employés dans le processus de définition des prochaines étapes, vous leur donnez les moyens de prendre en main leur croissance et leur développement.

N'oubliez pas que la réalisation d'une évaluation des performances n'est pas un événement ponctuel, mais fait partie d'un gestion continue des performances système. En fin de compte, le fait de garantir un feedback continu et des contrôles réguliers tout au long de l'année permet de définir, d'aligner et d'ajuster objectifs des employés le cas échéant, ce qui contribue à la croissance et à la réussite des employés.

Que faire après une évaluation des performances

L'évaluation des performances ne s'arrête pas à la réunion. Voici ce que vous pouvez faire pour garantir une amélioration et une croissance continues.

1. Faites le suivi des prochaines étapes

Après l'évaluation des performances, il est essentiel de rester impliqué et de fournir un soutien continu. Faites le suivi des prochaines étapes identifiées lors de l'examen. Planifiez des entretiens individuels fréquents et d'autres points de contact pour suivre les progrès et mesurer les résultats. Cela démontre votre engagement en faveur de la croissance de l'employé et contribue à garantir qu'il est sur la bonne voie pour atteindre ses objectifs.

🤔 Vous ne savez pas à quelle fréquence planifier des entretiens individuels ? Trouvez la meilleure formule pour fréquence individuelle.

Par exemple, si l'une des prochaines étapes identifiées lors de l'examen consistait à permettre à l'employé d'améliorer ses compétences en matière de gestion du temps, vous pouvez planifier une réunion de suivi un mois plus tard pour discuter de ses progrès. Au cours de cette réunion, vous pouvez poser des questions spécifiques sur leurs stratégies visant à améliorer la gestion du temps, vous renseigner sur les difficultés qu'ils ont pu rencontrer et fournir des conseils ou des ressources supplémentaires si nécessaire.

En suivant les étapes suivantes, vous montrez que vous êtes investi dans la réussite de vos employés et vous leur offrez la possibilité de changer de cap ou de poursuivre leur développement.

2. Poursuivez la conversation sur les performances

Admirez la beauté de cycles de performance continus en procédant à des contrôles réguliers et en organisant des réunions individuelles. Ces conversations continues offrent l'occasion de discuter des progrès, de relever les défis et de fournir des commentaires en temps opportun. En maintenant une ligne de communication ouverte, vous pouvez soutenir les employés dans leur parcours de croissance et vous assurer que la performance reste une priorité.

Par exemple, vous pouvez planifier aux deux semaines ou au mois réunions individuelles avec vos employés pour discuter de leurs projets en cours, surmonter les obstacles auxquels ils peuvent être confrontés et fournir des conseils ou des commentaires. Ces réunions offrent aux employés un espace leur permettant de partager leurs réalisations, de demander des conseils sur leur travail et de discuter des nouveaux défis qui pourraient survenir, à évaluer lors de votre prochaine évaluation des performances des employés. En poursuivant la conversation sur la performance, vous démontrez votre engagement envers leur développement et vous créez un environnement où l'amélioration continue est encouragée.

Officevibe soutient la gestion continue des performances. Cette fonctionnalité fournit des outils et des ressources pour faciliter le feedback continu, le suivi des objectifs et les réunions individuelles !

Phrases d'évaluation des performances efficaces à utiliser lors de votre prochaine évaluation

Rédiger des commentaires pertinents est essentiel à la réussite d'une évaluation des performances. Voici quelques exemples de phrases d'évaluation des performances, qu'il s'agisse d'évaluations ou de phrases constructives, qui vous inspireront lors de votre prochaine évaluation :

  • Créativité : « Votre esprit novateur a mené à des solutions impressionnantes, propulsant notre équipe vers de nouveaux sommets. »
  • Communiquer : « Votre style de communication clair et concis a grandement amélioré la collaboration au sein de l'équipe et les résultats des projets. »
  • Responsabilité : « Vous assumez constamment vos responsabilités et vous obtenez des résultats avec un haut niveau de responsabilité. »
  • Productivité : « Vos compétences exceptionnelles en matière de gestion du temps et vos habitudes de travail efficaces ont considérablement augmenté la productivité au sein de l'équipe. »
  • Collaboration : « Votre approche collaborative favorise un environnement d'équipe positif, en encourageant une communication ouverte et le partage d'idées. »
  • Coaching: « Votre dévouement à encadrer les membres de l'équipe leur a permis de progresser et d'exceller dans leurs rôles. »
  • Domaines d'amélioration : « Pour améliorer encore vos performances, vous concentrer sur l'amélioration de vos compétences en matière de présentation vous aidera à impliquer plus efficacement les parties prenantes. »
  • Résolution de problèmes : « Votre esprit analytique et votre débrouillardise ont toujours permis de résoudre les problèmes de manière créative et de réussir. »

Encore une fois, le suivi de tout feedback sur les performances par des exemples spécifiques rendra le feedback lui-même plus percutant en lui donnant un contexte. Cela indiquera également à quel employé vous avez pensé. Par exemple, vous pourriez associer des éloges sur la résolution de problèmes à quelque chose comme : « Le mois dernier, lorsque nous avons eu un problème avec le projet X, vous avez réussi à le résoudre en effectuant A, B et C, ce qui nous a permis de livrer à temps ! Merci. »

⭐️ En savoir plus exemples de commentaires d'employés qui a un impact, notamment en ce qui concerne des questions plus sensibles telles que la nécessité d'une formation supplémentaire ou le non-respect des délais, et les meilleures pratiques pour les mettre en œuvre.

Utiliser un logiciel de gestion des performances

Théoriquement, vous pouvez maîtriser vous-même votre approche d'évaluation des performances. Sur le plan logistique, cependant, il existe des moyens de rendre l'ensemble du processus de gestion des performances infiniment plus facile pour vous-même (et pour vos employés).

Logiciel de gestion des performances comme Officevibe, transforme le processus de révision en un aspect amusant et dynamique du expérience des employés. Grâce à des fonctionnalités basées sur les données telles que la définition d'objectifs, le feedback continu et le suivi des performances, il simplifie, rationalise et améliore l'ensemble du processus d'évaluation des performances, le rendant équitable, efficace et engageant à la fois pour les managers et les employés.

En utilisant un logiciel d'évaluation des performances, vous pouvez optimiser avantages de la gestion des performances, favoriser le développement des employés et cultiver une culture d'entreprise positive.

Augmentez la croissance, l'engagement et la réussite avec Officevibe

Maîtriser l'art de l'évaluation des performances des employés est essentiel pour les managers qui cherchent à favoriser la croissance, l'engagement et la réussite au sein de leurs équipes. En suivant les étapes clés décrites dans ce guide, vous pouvez effectuer des évaluations de performance efficaces qui inspirent l'amélioration, responsabilisent les employés et contribuent au succès global de l'organisation.

N'oubliez pas que les évaluations des performances doivent être un processus collaboratif et continu qui donne la priorité à la croissance, au feedback et à une communication ouverte. Saisissez l'opportunité de soutenir le développement de vos employés et de créer une culture d'excellence !

Employee experience (EX) is at the heart of business success, impacting everything from customer satisfaction to business performance. The experience your employees have at work is as important as your customer experience, annual goals, and employer brand — in fact, it has a direct impact on all of those success factors. Not to mention, it also affects your employee's engagement, commitment to their work, and likelihood to stay at your company.

Research shows that strong employee engagement increases profitability by 23% and reduces turnover rates by 59%. That's why modern companies make employee experience management a priority, creating personalized experiences designed to improve engagement and employee retention.

As we all move into the ever-changing future of work, employee experience trends for 2023 continue to show the importance of a human-centric workplace. Read on to learn the ins and outs of employee experience, and ways to manage and improve it.

What is employee experience?

Employee experience encompasses all interactions a person has with an organization throughout their employee lifecycle, from their first application email right through to their exit interview. The employee experience includes the physical environment, digital technology, company culture, manager-employee relationships, career development and growth opportunities, and more.

While human resources have a role to play in shaping the employee experience, it's often a person's direct manager and immediate team that have the biggest impact. Talent management is a team effort, so you want to be sure to have the right players in the right positions — from business leaders to middle managers to individual contributors.

Assent Compliance: Revolutionizing employee experience with a feedback-driven culture and dedicated initiatives

Take a look at Assent Compliance, a company that understands the value of prioritizing employee experience.

As Assent experienced rapid growth, they recognized the importance of enhancing the work environment for their employees. To achieve this, they formed a dedicated Employee Experience team committed to creating a positive and supportive workplace.

Putting the employee journey first

Assent leveraged the power of the Officevibe platform to launch new employee experience programs. By actively seeking feedback and insights, they established a feedback-driven culture that fuels continuous improvement. As Andrew Waitman, the CEO of Assent Compliance, puts it,

"Employee experience has been instrumental in our success. Officevibe enables us to foster a culture of collaboration, improvement, and meeting employee needs."

The story of Assent Compliance showcases the transformative impact of prioritizing employee experience, especially during times of expansion.

By investing in employee experience initiatives and assembling a passionate team to drive these efforts, organizations can cultivate a work environment that nurtures employee satisfaction, engagement, and overall success.

The essence of the employee experience: Connecting with our human nature

In the modern workplace, employee experience goes beyond mere job satisfaction. It encompasses the holistic well-being of employees, including their physical, emotional, and cognitive needs. Consider:

  • Providing comfortable and adjustable furniture, proper lighting, and ergonomic equipment to prevent physical strain and promote employee health.
  • Implementing safety protocols, conducting regular inspections, and promoting a culture of safety to protect employees from workplace hazards and ensure their well-being.
  • Offering additional resources such as counseling services, employee assistance programs, and mental health initiatives to support employees' emotional well-being and create a caring work environment.
  • Implementing flexible work arrangements, promoting time-off policies, and encouraging a healthy work-life balance to prevent burnout and promote overall well-being.
  • Providing training programs, workshops, and mentorship opportunities to help employees expand their skills, grow professionally, and feel challenged in their work assignments.

By recognizing and addressing these factors, organizations can create an environment that supports their employees' overall well-being, enhances the employee experience, and drives productivity. To create a positive and productive workplace, it's essential to consider the ROI from enhancing the employee experience

The role of culture and values in shaping positive employee experience

Organizational culture and values play a pivotal role in shaping the employee experience. To build a culture that works for you, consider:

  • Aligning company values with employees' personal values. For example, a company that values sustainability and environmental consciousness can engage employees through initiatives like recycling programs, reducing waste, and promoting eco-friendly practices.
  • Encouraging employees to share ideas, concerns, and feedback freely. This can be done through regular team meetings, suggestion boxes, or digital platforms where employees can voice their opinions and contribute to decision-making processes.
  • Creating opportunities for teamwork and cross-functional projects. By breaking down silos and encouraging collaboration, organizations can enhance employee engagement and foster a sense of collective achievement.
  • Promoting inclusivity, diversity, and equity. This can be achieved through implementing diversity and inclusion programs, training on unconscious bias, and ensuring fair treatment and equal opportunities for all employees.
  • Reflecting their values in day-to-day operations. For example, a company that values transparency can involve employees in decision-making by soliciting their input, sharing information openly, and involving them in the planning and implementation of new initiatives.
  • Integrating formal recognition programs, appreciation events, or even simple gestures like expressing gratitude for a job well done.

By actively nurturing a positive work environment grounded in shared values, organizations can enhance employee experience, boost engagement, and foster a thriving workplace.

The factors influencing a positive employee experience

True employee satisfaction doesn't just happen — it must be built. But where to start? There are a lot of factors that influence how people feel at work through the entire employee lifecycle.

Work-life balance

The reality is that attracting and retaining top talent requires organizations to prioritize work-life balance and offer arrangements that allow for that. By providing options like remote work or flexible scheduling, companies empower employees to effectively manage both personal and professional responsibilities, which is crucial to the modern employee experience. This fosters a harmonious integration between work and life, reducing stress and boosting overall happiness.


As above, it's no secret that work-life balance is important to employee well-being and performance. But flexibility at work is about more than helping people unwind and disconnect; it's a sign of respect. Employees with the freedom to manage their own workload, work remotely, and take time off or shift their hours when they need it feel more valued by their employer.

Culture and values

Employees want a company culture where they feel valued for not just what they do, but who they are. Beyond that, there should be clarity on what exactly your company culture is. It's important to make your company values clear, so employees know how to thrive at your business and feel they're a part of something bigger than their work.

Work environment

Even in a remote and hybrid context, the importance of a healthy and supportive working environment hasn't gone away. Digital environments are another way people experience work, and just as important to build intentionally. So whether it's at the office or from afar, be sure to make people feel comfortable and welcome.


In the digital age, people need hardware and software to support their work and enhance their employee experience. Make sure employees have access to the tools and resources they need to work effectively. Keep in mind that workplace tools are meant to work for you, and not against you. Do regular audits of the tools your teams are using and how effective they are. Don't be afraid to try new software or get rid of an old clunky one that's slowing your team down.


Communication is central to employee engagement and the employee experience. How people are given feedback, how their ideas and suggestions are received, and how goals and objectives are shared all come down to communication. It's important for business leaders to be strong communicators, but it's also important that teams have effective communication norms and that people of all levels are encouraged to speak up.

Workload and job demands

Achieving a sustainable workload is crucial for employee well-being and success. Organizations must align job demands with individuals' capabilities to ensure manageable tasks. By preventing excessive stress and burnout, companies promote a healthy work environment and enhance productivity. Striking the right balance between responsibilities and workload is essential for fostering a positive workplace culture.

Employee recognition and rewards

Hard work shouldn't go unnoticed, and increasing employee recognition is a low-cost, high-impact way to improve your employee experience. Each and every team member plays a role in the company's success, and people should feel valued and appreciated for their hard work. Recognition can be given as real-time feedback, through peer recognition, in one-on-one meetings, and throughout the performance management cycle. The important thing is to actively build a culture of recognition at your organization.

Leadership and management style

Leadership can make or break an employee's experience. By fostering trust, leaders create a positive work environment where employees feel valued and supported. Clear communication is essential in ensuring that expectations are understood and in providing guidance and feedback. Supportive management practices, such as coaching and mentoring, contribute to employee growth and development.

Workplace connections

People spend a third of their time at work. The relationships they build there are meaningful — and they have a big impact on their engagement level and happiness at work. Human connections are at the heart of building team trust and fostering strong collaboration. Make time to build genuine connections on your teams.


People want to feel a sense of purpose at work, but it can be challenging to achieve that when they're being micromanaged. Giving employees the autonomy to manage their workloads and navigate challenges independently shows them they're trusted. And the thing about trust is that it goes both ways — employees who feel trusted to do their best work are more likely to trust their leaders in return.

Career development opportunities

Offering training and career growth opportunities is an investment in your people. And, ongoing development is one of the most important factors in employee engagement and retention. When people see that they have a future with the company, they're more likely to do their best and stick around.

Why a rock-solid employee experience strategy is important for your competitive advantage

In today's competitive landscape, organizations need a strong employee experience strategy to gain a competitive advantage to achieve high employee engagement, better employee retention, and attract top talent, as well as improve the customer experience.

Enhanced employee engagement and satisfaction

Impact of positive employee experience on motivation and commitment

A positive employee experience creates a ripple effect, driving motivation, job satisfaction, and commitment. When employees have a positive experience at work, they feel more engaged and invested in their roles.

The link between engagement and productivity

Engagement is the fuel that powers productivity, and an effective employee experience plays a crucial role in fostering higher levels of engagement. When employees feel supported, valued, and satisfied in their work environment, their productivity soars, resulting in increased efficiency and improved performance.

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Improved employee retention and attraction of top talent

The role of employee experience in attracting and retaining high-performing employees

In today's job market, a great employee experience is vital for attracting and retaining top talent. Candidates prioritize organizations that value their well-being, growth, and development. By fostering a culture that aligns with employees' values, organizations attract skilled and motivated individuals, creating a stronger workforce.

The cost of employee turnover and its impact on organizational success

Employee turnover carries substantial costs, including recruitment, onboarding, and training expenses. A negative employee experience leads to higher turnover rates, resulting in the loss of valuable talent and decreased team morale. Investing in a positive employee experience reduces turnover, retains top talent, and fosters a thriving workplace for success.

Positive impact on customer experience

The employee experience directly affects customer satisfaction

Positive employee experiences result in excellent customer service, as satisfied and engaged employees interact positively with customers, leading to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty. So basically, investing in your employees is investing in your customers too, which is good for ROIs and other business outcomes. An exceptional employee experience is ultimately a win-win-win!

Employees as brand ambassadors and the impact on customer perception

Positive employee experiences create passionate brand ambassadors. How come? Employees who feel good about their employee experience are happier employees all around. Their enthusiasm and dedication shine through in customer interactions, positively shaping the brand's perception. Valued and supported employees naturally project a positive company image. Brands with a strong employee experience framework gain customer trust and connection, enhancing their reputation and perception.

Employee experience at every stage of the employee journey

It's easy to think of the employee experience existing solely while employees work for you. But the truth is that the employee experience extends to every stage of the employee journey, from before they join your team to after they leave.

Pro tip: You can use employee journey mapping to get an overview of the employee experience of potential candidates, current employees, and past employees.

The stages of the employee experience journey include the following:

  • Recruitment and hiring: What's the first impression your company gives to prospective employees when they see a job opening at your business? The recruitment and hiring process includes how potential hires find the application process, their communication with the hiring team, what interviews are like, and how they receive their offer.
  • Onboarding: Onboarding sets the tone for the entire employee experience. How you welcome, train, and otherwise prepare employees for the job has a big impact on how they'll feel in their role and can shape employee attitudes. Great employee onboarding leads to stronger employee engagement, so it's important to give new hires a warm and supportive welcome.
  • Engagement: Once an employee has been hired and onboarded, it's important to drive their engagement at work. Employee engagement is closely tied to their relationship with their manager, and enabling managers is key to improving engagement. Helping people understand the role their work has in the bigger picture and setting meaningful goals is one of the best ways to create highly engaged workers.
  • Development and growth: Employee development is critical to retention and engagement. If people don't feel they can learn and grow at your company, they'll look for other opportunities where they can. This is why it's essential for managers to provide feedback in ongoing performance management and career advancement conversations with their employees.
  • Offboarding: How people leave your company can have as much of an impact as how they join it. You want to have guidelines in place for employee departures, both voluntary and involuntary, to make the transition as smooth as possible. And of course, perform an exit interview to collect feedback that might help you spot signs of disengagement in the future and stop turnover before it happens.
Stéphanie Nadeau, HR Director at Stingray, and Bianca D’Intino-Conte, HR Advisor, share their experience leveraging Officevibe to drive executive leadership decisions and elevate the employee experience. Read their EX success story here.

A framework for creating a better employee experience

An employee experience strategy is not a guessing game. To create a world-class employee experience for each of your staff members, human resources and executive teams must work together on the following:

Establish a supportive and inclusive culture

Fostering open communication and transparency

This is essential for creating a company culture where employees feel comfortable expressing their ideas, concerns, and feedback. This can be done through:

  • Regular updates and communication about company goals and strategies
  • Open-door policies for managers
  • Routine feedback surveys

Encouraging open dialogue allows for the free flow of information and promotes a sense of inclusivity within the organization. This is also a key component of feedback loops and continuous improvement which is central to a continuously evolving employee experience strategy.

Encouraging collaboration and teamwork

This is crucial for fostering a work environment that values cooperation and collective effort. Think about:

  • Providing collaboration tools and platforms
  • Creating cross-functional teams
  • Facilitating knowledge sharing
  • Creating team-building activities

Allowing employees from different teams or departments to work together and share their knowledge and expertise creates a cohesive collaborative culture all around.

Championing diversity and inclusion

This is essential for creating a workplace that values and respects individuals from all backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Some approaches include:

  • Supporting inclusive hiring process and practices
  • Providing diversity and inclusion training
  • Creating employee resource groups
  • Promoting diverse leadership
  • Conducting diversity and inclusion audits
  • Encouraging open dialogue
  • Providing equal opportunities for growth and advancement

By promoting a diverse and inclusive environment, organizations recognize the unique contributions and talents that individuals bring to the table.

Provide opportunities for growth and development

Offering training and development programs

Investing in continuous learning and professional development opportunities demonstrates a commitment to supporting employees' career growth. This could be done by providing access to:

These not only contribute to an individual's personal and professional development but also benefit the organization by fostering a culture of learning and innovation.

Creating clear career paths and advancement opportunities

Studies show this is a must for employee retention. By establishing transparent career paths that outline the steps and skills required for progression within the organization, employees gain clarity and a sense of direction in their professional growth.

Advancement opportunities can look like:

  • Promotions
  • New challenges or project
  • Leadership responsibilities and roles

This not only contributes to an employee's personal and professional development but also fosters a culture of continuous learning and innovation within the organization.

Prioritizing work-life balance and well-being

Flexible work arrangements and policies

Supporting employee well-being and promoting a healthy work-life balance is non-negotiable in today's workplace. Implementing policies that support employees in managing their workload and maintaining a healthy work-life integration further enhances their overall employee experience.

These policies may include:

  • Clear guidelines for setting boundaries
  • Providing resources for time management
  • Shorter work days on Fridays

This also acknowledges and accommodates the diverse personal needs and responsibilities of their employees, allowing employees to better manage their work commitments alongside personal obligations.

Wellness programs and initiatives

In today's fast-paced work environment, programs and initiatives that support employees' physical and mental health demonstrate an organization's commitment to the well-being of their employees and create opportunities for them to prioritize self-care. This can be achieved through:

  • Fitness classes
  • Meditation sessions
  • Resources for mental health support

Promoting a culture of well-being also involves encouraging breaks, healthy habits, and fostering a positive work environment, achieved through:

  • Encouraging employees to take regular breaks
  • Providing healthy snacks or meals
  • Creating spaces for relaxation

An exceptional employee experience framework not only considers the professional side of experiences but also the personal ones.

Recognizing and rewarding employee contributions

Implementing a fair and transparent recognition system

As part of performance management, recognizing and appreciating employee contributions creates a positive employee experience. This involves establishing a system that acknowledges and appreciates employees' achievements, efforts, and contributions. Recognition can take various forms, such as:

  • Verbal appreciation
  • Written commendations
  • Formal recognition programs

Tailoring rewards to align with employee preferences and motivations

By taking the time to understand what motivates each employee, organizations can design reward programs that cater to their specific needs and preferences. This may involve offering a variety of rewards, such as:

  • Monetary incentives
  • Additional time off
  • Opportunities for professional growth

When employees feel their preferences and motivations are taken into account within their employee experience, they are more likely to be motivated, productive, and committed to the organization's success.

Measuring employee experience: KPIs and continuous improvement

In order to create a thriving employee experience, it's essential to measure and assess key metrics that reflect satisfaction, loyalty, engagement, and overall well-being. Here are the most essential:

4 Key metrics and indicators to assess employee experience

Employee satisfaction surveys

Gathering feedback through surveys allows organizations to understand employees' satisfaction levels across various aspects of their employee experience. This includes factors like the work environment, leadership, communication, and career development.

By listening to employees' voices, organizations can address concerns and make informed decisions to improve their employee experience.

😎 Over 30,000 Officevibe users around the world answer a Pulse Survey featuring questions related to key employee engagement metrics every day!

Employee Net Promoter Score (eNPS)

Implementing eNPS surveys helps measure employees' likelihood to recommend the organization as a place to work. This metric provides valuable insights into overall employee loyalty and satisfaction.

A high eNPS indicates that employees are advocates for the organization, which is a strong indicator of a positive employee experience. Implementing eNPS surveys to measure employees' likelihood to recommend the organization as a place to work.

Stingray enjoys consistently high Officevibe metrics with the help of data-backed employee experience strategies.

Absenteeism and turnover rates

Companies that invest in their culture see a 41% reduction in absenteeism and a 17% increase in productivity. So high rates of absenteeism and turnover may signal potential issues with the employee experience, highlighting the need for improvement.

Performance metrics and productivity measures

Did you know that companies that cultivate a positive work culture could see up to 400% in revenue growth? Analyzing performance metrics and productivity indicators such as sales figures, project completion rates, or customer satisfaction scores can reveal the effectiveness of the employee experience in driving business outcomes.

The importance of ongoing feedback and continuous improvement

By actively listening, analyzing feedback, and taking action, organizations can cultivate a workplace that values employee input and continuously evolves to meet their needs.

Below are ways to ensure you're getting the most out of your feedback approach to leverage within your employee experience strategy.

Regular pulse surveys and feedback channels

Implementing regular pulse surveys allows organizations to collect real-time feedback on specific aspects of the employee experience. These surveys provide valuable insights into employee perceptions, satisfaction, and engagement.

In addition, creating feedback channels such as suggestion boxes or anonymous feedback mechanisms fosters a culture of open and honest communication. Employees feel empowered to share their thoughts and ideas, contributing to a continuous feedback loop.

Using employee feedback to identify areas for improvement

Analyzing employee feedback is crucial for identifying trends or patterns that highlight areas within your employee experience that could benefit from improvement. By carefully examining this feedback, organizations can gain valuable insights into the experiences and expectations of their employees.

Engaging in dialogue with employees through focus groups or one-on-one conversations allows for a deeper understanding of their perspectives and provides an opportunity to gather specific suggestions for enhancing the employee experience. This collaborative approach helps ensure that organizational changes are aligned with employee needs and aspirations.

Create a memorable employee experience

The value of engaged employees can't be overstated. Investing in meeting not just customer needs, but employee needs will be a determining factor of success for businesses that want to thrive in the modern era of work.

It all starts with a better understanding of your employees, their expectations, and what's driving their engagement.

🌟 Try our effective employee experience strategies designed to help your team succeed.

Remember, the best way to keep employees happy, engaged, and dedicated to your company mission is by showing them they're valued.

A letter from our CEO, Simon De Baene 

Today marks a special day for myself and my team. It’s the start of a new era—a leap into a new, exciting venture that will enable us to change the way people work for the better.  

Allow us to reintroduce ourselves. Our name is Workleap.

Workleap is more than just a new name for GSoft. It’s the result of building best-in-class employee experience (EX) tools for the better part of two decades and realizing that they should all work together. We became humble experts in the world of work and now have what it takes to tackle it in the best way possible. 

The employee experience is often depicted as an oversimplified linear journey. The truth is it isn’t simple at all. It’s actually quite chaotic and ever-evolving. Especially at the rate the world is advancing and new needs are arising. 

Workleap may not work miracles, but it sure will bring clarity to the chaos. It’ll help companies build EX foundations at their own pace and with the right tools. By connecting people and technology, Workleap will make sure fulfilling employee journeys go hand in hand with frictionless productivity, efficiency, and impact — regardless of what your company looks like. 

And when you enable your people to work at their best, you have everything it takes to make miracles happen. 

Let’s take a trip down memory lane to understand how we got here. 

I founded GSoft 17 years ago with Guillaume Roy (GR) and Sebastien Leduc in a small Montreal apartment. We were three kids with big dreams who shared a passion for building great software.  

Before I continue, let me give a quick disclaimer: this isn’t a “rags to riches” story. Yes, we have gained a lot of success since 2006. But we did so much more than that in those 17 years. This is the story of our journey — where we started, what we learned, and what brought us to where we are today. 

We named GSoft after the famous early 2000s hip hop group, G-Unit. True story. We were big (okay, huge) fans. And being the impressionable 20-something-year-olds that we were, it seemed like a good idea at the time. 

The company was very different back then. From the beginning, we knew we wanted to bring a breath of fresh air to the world of IT. The carpets, the cubicles, and the mood were too gray for us and we wanted to change that. Plus, the solutions that were available were clunky and difficult to use. Not our style. We knew we could make IT cooler and smarter with alternatives that were more straightforward.  

So, we began our quest toward this mission as a service-led software development firm focused on building custom software for our clients. That formula worked for a while (about a decade), and we definitely learned a thing or two about making great software during that time.  

Our first major shift happened in 2009. We decided to build a product of our own, and that’s how ShareGate came to be. A few years later, Officevibe, our second child, followed suit. In 2017, we dropped the service portion of the business and focused all our energy on building, iterating, and improving our two products and brands. At this point, our hearts were set on finding a better way to work. And we did this by bridging the gap between technology and people. 

With the onset of the pandemic and the rise of hybrid work, the world of work needed a software update. Sharegate helped companies achieve more with their Microsoft 365 ecosystem. Officevibe kept a pulse on their people, helped them feel recognized, and empowered them to be productive despite the craziness going on in the world.  

This major paradigm shift in the world and the workplace meant organizations and teams had to completely rethink how to work together. They constantly faced new challenges. And we knew we could help. Innovation was always in our DNA, and we found a way to bring it back to the forefront.  

Enter the Innovation Lab: a team whose sole purpose was to innovate and build new software to meet these growing needs. And we did a lot of that. We have been hard at work for the last few years. The fruit of our labor? Softstart and Talentscope, onboarding and talent development tools, respectively.  

We recently lived yet another “first time” when we completed our acquisition for a learning management system called Didacte. It showed us that as much as we love creating things of our own, we don’t always have to start from scratch. We can spot the potential in existing tools and bring them to the next level. 

GSoft to workleap timeline

What a ride, eh? Our journey was dynamic and unpredictable, to say the least. What started as a software development company suddenly became a tech company with a portfolio of five SaaS products. They all had their own purpose in what we soon discovered was the link between all of them — employee and digital experience at work.  

Our lightbulb moment came when GR and I were brainstorming names for our latest product, the talent development tool I mentioned earlier. We thought of Workleap and instantly knew we were onto something.  

Workleap represented way more than career planning and skills development and it was too good to just keep for a single product. It stood for everything we did across the whole company. It stood for a kinder, smarter, and faster way to work.  

Can you see where I’m going here? We analyzed our product stack, looked at the bigger picture, remembered why we started doing this in the first place and realized it was time for change.  

Our future was Workleap: a unified brand, company, and ecosystem of software products that tackles the employee experience from many angles. 

We knew it was a big move, but we were certain it was the right one. Workleap is a better reflection of who we are today and where we’re headed. So here I am, reintroducing the company I built with my buddies nearly two decades ago. 

One thing is sure: we had to pass through all the trials and tribulations, victories, and learning opportunities to get to where we are today. Workleap would not be Workleap if GSoft never existed. It’s nice to take a step back and appreciate what got us here and what will allow us to take the leap forward. 

So, what does this mean for the future? 

To my team, we’ll be able to work as a more unified front. This change will set us up for success and allow us to focus on building better solutions in a more streamlined way. We’ll be primed to innovate like only we know how to. And we’ll do it faster than ever. 

To our clients, Workleap will empower you to stay nimble in a world that’s constantly testing and asking you to adapt. We’ll be your ultimate sidekick to help you navigate the digital workplace and keep your team happy, engaged, and productive. 

And to the world, we’re ready to redefine what it means to do great work. With Workleap, work will be simpler, kinder, and faster. With Workleap, work will really work. 

The journey that took us here was a heck of a ride; I truly hope my words did it justice. But this is just the beginning. We have a lot of challenges to face, lessons to learn, and victories to claim. It’s time to be laser-focused on our quest to offer a better employee experience to all and empower everyone to work at their best.

We take the leap.


When you hear "performance review," what comes to mind? As a manager, do you think of it as a once-a-year task that's just part of your checklist? Or perhaps, do you think of it as a laborious process with no clearly useful output?

Rest assured; the performance review process can be utilized strategically and absolutely be done in a way that is structured, effective, and impactful.

In this article, you'll find your ultimate guide to employee performance reviews. We'll walk you through the essential steps involved in conducting effective performance reviews and provide guidance on what a successful review should look like — before, during, and after. When done right, they can contribute to employee growth, development, and higher business performance.

Here is everything you need to conduct successful employee performance reviews

What is an employee performance review?

Let's first cover the basics. At its core, a performance review is a structured process that evaluates an individual's job performance and provides constructive feedback. Performance reviews are an essential part of the performance management process and support goal-setting, monitoring, and accountability.

Traditionally, a performance review has been an annual event, but in the modern workplace, with continuous performance management gaining traction, performance reviews have taken different forms — be it regular check-ins or ongoing feedback to foster employee development and improvement. In this new era of performance management, managers become more like coaches who empower their employees to reach their full potential.

👉 Find our guide to the modern way of conducting performance reviews with insightful tips and case studies to get inspired.

Why are employee performance reviews important?

Performance reviews don't have to be complicated, just as long as you don't undervalue their power either. They offer numerous benefits for both individuals and organizations at every level. They:

  • Improve communication
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Facilitate goal setting
  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Strengthen employee-manager relationships

By investing in performance reviews, you pave the way for continuous improvement and foster a more positive work culture.

Key elements of an effective performance review

Performance reviews play a crucial role in driving employee growth and development while contributing to higher business performance. To conduct impactful performance reviews, it's essential to incorporate key elements that foster a supportive, collaborative, and ultimately thriving environment.

Here are the key elements of an effective performance review process:

Frequent review cycles

Break away from the anxiety-inducing annual performance review and normalize conversations about performance. Implementing regular review cycles allows for ongoing feedback, ensuring employees stay on track and have the opportunity to grow continuously.

For example, quarterly or monthly check-ins provide timely feedback and help address any performance gaps promptly.

Two-way conversations

Performance reviews shouldn't be one-sided. By involving employees in two-way conversations, you demonstrate that their opinions and insights are valued, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.

Encourage open dialogue and create a space for employees to share their perspectives, offer suggestions, and actively participate in the review process.

Focused on improvements

Modern performance reviews shift the focus from dwelling on past mistakes to emphasizing growth and development. By adopting a forward-thinking approach, you inspire a growth mindset and create a culture that supports continuous learning and development.

Encourage employees to reflect on their experiences, learn from them, and set goals for improvement.

Transparent and honest

Transparency and honesty are paramount in fostering trust between managers and employees. Establish clear communication channels to ensure employees understand how their performance is being assessed and how feedback will be provided.

Transparency also involves clearly communicating the evaluation criteria and ensuring employees have access to the necessary resources for improvement.

Fair and objective review process

A fair and objective review process is essential for employee morale and engagement. Use standardized evaluation criteria that are consistently applied across the organization. This helps maintain fairness and ensures that employees feel their performance is evaluated on an equal basis.

Objective evaluations foster trust and provide employees with a sense of confidence in the review process.

How to prepare for a performance review

To conduct an effective performance review, managers need to prepare in advance. Here are the key prep steps to get ready:

1. Align on performance evaluation criteria

Performance evaluations require a clear understanding of the criteria and metrics used to assess employee performance. It's essential for managers and employees to have a shared understanding of what constitutes good or poor performance.

For example, you might establish criteria such as meeting project deadlines, demonstrating strong communication skills, or displaying proactive problem-solving abilities. By aligning these criteria, you can ensure fairness and consistency in your evaluations.

2. Gather employee data and examples

To provide meaningful performance feedback, gather relevant qualitative and quantitative data, as well as examples that illustrate an employee's performance.

There are different methods of performance evaluation, all of which can be pooled to build a comprehensive performance picture. Qualitative data can come from employee self-evaluation, peer reviews, or supervisor assessments. Whereas quantitative data can come from sales figures or other productivity metrics.

By collecting a range of data and examples, you'll have a well-rounded view of the employee's performance that considers all factors — not just numbers.

3. Use a performance review template

Templates exist for a reason. They provide a pre-existing structure from which you can build on and customize. They also save you time!

Performance review templates provide a set of targeted questions that guide you through each aspect of the review, ensuring you cover all relevant areas with your employee. Using a template saves prep time and helps maintain consistency across each team member's evaluation. It also ensures that no important topics or questions are overlooked.

Officevibe includes performance review templates designed to make the review process even more streamlined, effective, and data-driven.

A preview of Officevibe's employee performance review template
Use performance review templates in Officevibe.

4. Prepare a meeting agenda

Before the performance review meeting, create a detailed agenda to guide the discussion. Outline the specific topics you want to cover, such as achievements, areas for improvement, and future goals. Consider including specific examples or projects to discuss during the meeting.

Having a clear agenda helps keep the conversation focused and ensures that all important points are addressed. It also shows employees that you have taken the time to prepare and value their performance.

👀 Check out our one-on-one meeting agendas that cover most manager-employee scenarios, including performance reviews, performance improvement plans, career development, and more!

5. Schedule your performance review meeting

Set a date and time for the performance review that works for both you and the employee. Choose a time when you can give your undivided attention and create a comfortable environment for open and honest conversation.

Avoid scheduling the review during particularly busy or stressful periods to ensure you can devote sufficient time and attention to the discussion. Scheduling the meeting in advance demonstrates your commitment to the employee's growth and development.

By following these steps and adequately preparing for the performance review, you set the stage for a productive and valuable discussion with your employees. Effective preparation ensures that you have the necessary information, structure, and focus to provide meaningful feedback and pave the way for future growth.

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How to conduct an employee performance review

Now that you're prepared, let's explore how to conduct an effective performance review. This is the time to engage in a productive conversation that supports employee growth and development.

The following guidelines provide the performance review framework you need to promote employee development, foster positive relationships, and drive organizational success:

1. Set a positive and constructive tone during the review

Approach the review with a supportive and coaching mindset. It's critical to create a safe space for open dialogue, which fosters collaboration much better than when employees don't feel like they have input. Remember that the goal is to empower employees in their future performance by emphasizing what they are capable of rather than reinforcing what they may not be doing well enough.

2. Share positive feedback and recognition

Similar to the compliment sandwich approach, balancing positive feedback with areas for improvement can go a long way. Make sure to share your own feedback and words of acknowledgment to strengthen your manager-employee bond. Additionally, pass on any feedback you received from other colleagues or leaders, which could help the employee feel valued and appreciated.

3. Offer constructive feedback

Discuss any performance challenges or areas of underperformance directly and constructively. By framing things in a constructive way and using specific examples to illustrate your points, you provide more actionable solutions for growth. Navigate difficult conversations with empathy and a focus on finding solutions together.

Need the inspiration to find high-quality feedback? Here are 22 constructive feedback examples and tips to help you deliver feedback that gets results.

4. Give specific examples

By providing specific examples, you can ensure clarity and facilitate productive discussions. Make sure to back up your feedback with concrete examples to make it more impactful and actionable. Contextualizing feedback with current and past performance examples, helps employees understand the specific behaviors or situations that need improvement or reinforcement.

5. Address performance challenges

During the review, address any performance challenges or areas of underperformance directly and constructively. There are many ways to approach poor work performance issues, just remember to lead these conversations with empathy and a focus on finding solutions. By addressing challenges head-on, you can work together with the employee to identify strategies for improvement and growth.

Granted, some conversations are a little bit more difficult than others. Hey, managers are only human. Read our difficult conversation tips to ensure the message (and solution) isn't getting lost in translation.

6. Listen actively

During the performance review, practice active listening to show genuine interest in the employee's perspective. Pay attention to their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations. By actively listening, you create an environment where employees feel heard and valued, fostering trust and engagement.

Active listening is definitely one of those skills that can help anyone in all areas of life — not just at work! So read our tips on how to practice the art of good listening.

7. Define the next steps

Collaborate with the employee to identify actionable next steps. This could look like:

  • Creating a development plan
  • Setting clear goals for improvement
  • Adjust existing performance targets as necessary

By involving employees in the process of defining the next steps, you empower them to take ownership of their growth and development.

Remember, conducting a performance review is not just a one-time event but part of an ongoing performance management system. Ultimately, ensuring continuous feedback and regular check-ins throughout the year helps set, align, and adjust employee goals when appropriate, which contributes to employee growth and success.

What to do after a performance review

The performance review doesn't end with the meeting. Here's what you can do to ensure continuous improvement and growth.

1. Follow up on the next steps

After the performance review, it's crucial to stay involved and provide ongoing support. Follow up on the next steps that were identified during the review. Schedule frequent one-on-ones and other touchpoints to monitor progress and measure results. This demonstrates your commitment to the employee's growth and helps ensure they are on the right track toward achieving their goals.

🤔 Not sure how often to schedule one-on-ones? Find your best formula for one-on-one frequency.

For example, if one of the next steps identified during the review was for the employee to improve their time management skills, you can schedule a follow-up meeting a month later to discuss their progress. During this meeting, you can ask specific questions about their strategies for improving time management, inquire about any challenges they may have encountered, and provide additional guidance or resources if needed.

By following up on next steps, you show that you are invested in your employees' success and provide an opportunity for course correction or further development.

2. Keep the performance conversation going

Embrace the beauty of continuous performance cycles by conducting regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings. These ongoing conversations provide opportunities to discuss progress, address challenges, and provide timely feedback. By maintaining an open line of communication, you can support employees in their growth journey and ensure that performance remains a priority.

For example, you can schedule bi-weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings with your employees to discuss their ongoing projects, address any obstacles they may be facing, and provide guidance or feedback. These meetings create a space for employees to share their achievements, seek guidance on their work, and discuss any new challenges that may have arisen, to assess at your next employee performance review. By keeping the performance conversation going, you demonstrate your commitment to their development and create an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged.

Officevibe supports continuous performance management. This feature provides tools and resources to facilitate ongoing feedback, goal tracking, and one-on-one meetings!

Effective performance review phrases to use in your next review

Crafting meaningful feedback is key to a successful performance review. Here are some examples of performance review phrases, be them appraisals or constructive, to inspire your next review:

  • Creativity: "Your innovative thinking has led to impressive solutions, pushing our team to new heights."
  • Communication: "Your clear and concise communication style has greatly improved team collaboration and project outcomes."
  • Accountability: "You consistently take ownership of your responsibilities, delivering results with a high level of accountability."
  • Productivity: "Your exceptional time management skills and efficient work habits have significantly increased productivity within the team."
  • Collaboration: "Your collaborative approach fosters a positive team environment, encouraging open communication and idea-sharing."
  • Coaching: "Your dedication to mentoring team members has empowered them to grow and excel in their roles."
  • Areas of improvement: "To further enhance your performance, focusing on improving your presentation skills will help you engage stakeholders more effectively."
  • Problem-solving: "Your analytical thinking and resourcefulness have consistently resulted in creative problem-solving and successful outcomes."

Again, following up on any performance feedback with specific examples will make the feedback itself more impactful by giving it context. This will also show the employee you gave the feedback thought. For example, you could pair praise about problem-solving with something along the lines of: "Last month, when we had an issue with project X, you managed to fix this by doing A, B, and C and that ensured we could deliver on time! Thank you."

⭐️ Find more examples of employee feedback that creates an impact, especially relating to more sensitive issues like the need for additional training or failing to meet deadlines, and best practices for delivering them.

Use performance management software

Theoretically, you can master your performance review approach all on your own. Logistically, however, there are ways you can make the entire performance management process infinitely easier for yourself (and your employees).

Performance management software like Officevibe turns the review process into a fun and dynamic aspect of the employee experience. With data-driven features such as goal setting, continuous feedback, and performance tracking, it simplifies, streamlines, and enhances the entire performance review process, making it fair, efficient, and engaging for both managers and employees.

By utilizing performance review software, you can maximize the benefits of performance management, foster employee development, and cultivate a positive work culture.

Elevate growth, engagement, and success with Officevibe

Mastering the art of employee performance reviews is essential for managers looking to drive growth, engagement, and success within their teams. By following the key steps outlined in this guide, you can conduct effective performance reviews that inspire improvement, empower employees, and contribute to overall organizational success.

Remember, performance reviews should be a collaborative and continuous process that prioritizes growth, feedback, and open communication. Embrace the opportunity to support your employees' development and create a culture of excellence!

GSoft becomes Workleap, strengthening its commitment to bringing people and technology together to drive business excellence

After 17 years as a bootstrapped company, GSoft and its ecosystem of employee and digital experience software becomes Workleap on the heels of a CA$125M capital investment 

MONTRÉAL — June 26, 2023 — GSoft, a leading software company behind employee experience products that enable over 20,000 companies to achieve more, has officially rebranded to Workleap, as part of an important strategic move that supports its mission to craft the leading platform to make work simpler, kinder and faster.  

GSoft, now Workleap, has witnessed significant growth over the past year. This includes the launch of Softstart, a software tool that transforms employee onboarding into a vibrant, organized and efficient experience, and Talentscope, a software tool that empowers people-first teams to map their skills, develop their talents and accelerate their growth to create more engaging and productive workplaces. Earlier this year, the company further expanded its portfolio by acquiring Didacte, a learning management system (LMS) designed to build, manage and monitor employee training. This rebranding reflects the company's intent to further expand and unify its family of software products to deliver more value to its customers. With the recent announcement of a CA$125M investment from CDPQ to support growth through acquisition, Workleap is well equipped to be a long-term partner for businesses navigating the challenging world of a digitally connected workforce. 

“We started as three 20-year-olds who created an IT services company in a small apartment in Quebec. Since then, we’ve grown Workleap to more than 400 employees with a singular focus on creating simple-to-use products that elevate the work experience and drive business performance," said Simon De Baene, co-founder and CEO of Workleap. “Any business leader will tell you the past few years have been some of the most challenging when it comes to creating a quality employee experience. Workplaces need a software update to bring their full team together and create a unified experience, and Workleap can do that.” 

Work no longer takes place in an office but in the tools that companies use. Creating an employee experience that leads to higher productivity and satisfaction requires a powerful set of unified tools that make work really work. Workleap seeks to build a best-in-class ecosystem of software tools, unifying all the strengths of its existing software and adding new capabilities to create a bolder digital experience for its midsize and large business customers. 

Visit for more information on how the company helps employees and businesses achieve work excellence and high performance.    


About Workleap  

Workleap is a software company on a mission to create products that make work simpler, kinder and faster. With over 20,000 companies in more than 100 countries as customers, we enable people to work at their best through products that improve the employee and digital experience:  

  • ShareGate, a leading Microsoft 365 management solution 
  • Officevibe, software designed to equip HR leaders and managers with the tools they need to drive engagement, performance, and retention 
  • Softstart, software that transforms the employee onboarding into a vibrant, organized and efficient experience 
  • Didacte, a learning management system (LMS) designed to build, manage and monitor employee training 
  • Talentscope, software that empowers people-first teams to map their skills, develop their talents and accelerate their growth to create more engaging and productive workplaces 

The Workleap team is made up of 400 people united around a shared passion for building software that makes work really work. 

Media Contact 
Spencer Hotz
BLASTmedia for Workleap
317-806-1900 ext. 187

Source: Official press release.

Effective performance management is not just a once-a-year task (like annual reviews) — it's an ongoing, dynamic, and agile process that yields significant benefits for organizations. By implementing comprehensive performance management strategies, managers can increase employee engagement, retention, and productivity.

In this article, we'll explore the concept of effective performance management and its importance, and delve into practical strategies and tools that empower leaders to unlock their team's optimal productivity.


Discover effective performance management strategies and practical tools


What is performance management and why is it important?

Performance management involves aligning employee efforts with organizational goals to drive success. It plays a pivotal role in boosting engagement, productivity, and goal completion rates, while also enhancing employee retention. By nurturing a culture of performance, organizations create an environment where employees thrive and contribute to the company's overall growth and success.

Old school bosses are so last year; We're now in a people-first, modern workplace era, and performance management is about embodying the values of a professional coach that leads a team toward excellence AND profitability. Read up on all the benefits of performance management.

The performance management process (in context)

Let's say you work for a software development company. An effective performance management strategy would involve setting expectations and goals for each employee, such as delivering high-quality code, meeting project deadlines, and collaborating effectively with team members.

Regular performance feedback and coaching sessions would be conducted to provide guidance, recognize achievements, and address any areas for improvement — like delays on critical tasks affecting the delivery of an overall project. Maybe Martin didn't effectively communicate something to Sam and this is a moment of learning for both Martin and the team. Hosting such a discussion might also lead to an impromptu brainstorming session from which emerges a great new system.

Without a performance management system, there would be a lack of clarity and accountability, and your team would be losing out on growth opportunities and fuel for employee engagement and productivity.

Before deep diving into the strategic side of performance management, make sure you're familiar with what an effective performance management process looks like (hint: it's like an infinite loop).

What is the purpose of performance management?

Performance management serves as a strategic approach to optimizing employee performance and driving organizational success. Its key objectives revolve around improving productivity, reaching objectives more effectively, recognizing outstanding performance, and developing employee skills. By implementing performance management practices, companies can create a culture of continuous improvement, where individuals and teams are empowered to maximize their potential.

It's not just about evaluating performance; it's about fostering growth, providing frequent feedback, and creating an environment that motivates employees to excel. Performance management is the compass that guides organizations toward their goals, ensuring that every individual's contributions align with the company's vision and objectives.

Dive into our free performance management guide, which gives insights on how both employees and managers benefit from setting up an effective performance management system.

12 Performance management strategies

By implementing a range of performance management strategies, organizations can cultivate a high-performance culture, boost employee engagement, and drive productivity. From defining and communicating company objectives to leveraging performance management tools, these strategies provide a roadmap for success.

By embracing these approaches, you can empower your teams, set clear goals, foster a culture of feedback and recognition, and create an environment where employees thrive. Let's delve into these strategies and discover how they can elevate performance and drive your organization toward excellence.

1. Define and communicate company objectives

Establish clear objectives and communicate them throughout the organization to align teams and foster a shared sense of purpose. This promotes collaboration and ensures everyone is working toward common goals.

Clearly communicating (and re-communicating) the company mission, vision, and strategic objectives are important at every phase of the employee journey. From onboarding to annual reviews, to monthly team meetings, reminding employees of the ultimate objectives and how they can help achieve them ensures that everyone understands their role in contributing to the organization's success. Sharing a vision helps everyone meet in the middle.

👀 Achieving alignment has a powerful impact. Read about the ways you can align teams across your organization and boost motivation, collaboration, and team spirit.

2. Set, track, and review performance goals

Implementing measurable goals with the SMART and OKR goal-setting frameworks and regularly tracking employee progress is central to effective performance management as it provides clarity and focus.

By setting up performance expectations the right way, employees are able to review their goals periodically and make adjustments as needed. This process ensures that individuals and teams stay focused and motivated, and continuously improve their performance.

From performance to personal development, there are many different types of goals that are fit for purpose. But ultimately, they all help employees and teams know where they're going.

Use our employee goal-setting examples to create impactful goals that play on your employees' strengths and align with top-level business objectives.

3. Provide frequent, constructive feedback

Emphasizing open communication channels and regular performance feedback helps facilitate growth and improvement. That said, there's a certain art to giving constructive feedback effectively. When delivered right, constructive feedback phrases help employees understand their strengths and areas for improvement, creating a culture of continuous learning and growth.

A few tips on how to improve communication in the workplace overall: Communication needs to be human, authentic, and a two-way dialogue. This works for managers and employees alike!

4. Gather feedback from peers

Similar to the above and playing off our feedback loop model, incorporating peer feedback into performance assessments will help gain a comprehensive understanding of an employee's contributions and areas for development.

This employee performance management strategy helps foster fairness, collaboration, and objectivity in performance evaluations.

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5. Practice continuous performance management

Engaging in regular one-on-one meetings and establishing performance management cycles facilitates ongoing communication between managers and employees and supports development.

Our tried-and-true tip: By designing your own continuous performance cycle, you'll have a performance management framework to work with that will help you provide timely guidance and support to all employees you manage.

6. Recognize achievements

Implementing an employee recognition program to acknowledge and celebrate outstanding performance helps foster a positive work environment, boosts morale, and motivates employees to excel. Who doesn't appreciate a shout-out from their boss after hard work is done?

From calling out top performance to underlying dedication, or simply remembering important professional and personal anniversaries, there are so many ways to show appreciation and send recognition messages to your team. Add this to your employee performance management arsenal!

7. Know how to address poor performance

While this one can be a less fun aspect of performance management, it's important to address poor employee performance. To effectively nip underperformance in the bud, providing specific and constructive feedback, identifying root causes, and creating improvement plans is the best approach.

Remember: This is about supporting employees in overcoming challenges and getting back on track. So rather than focusing on the negative side of this situation, your mindset should be about looking at the learning opportunity that can come out of this.

8. Build relationships based on trust and respect

Strong relationships promote collaboration, loyalty, and a sense of belonging. And fostering a culture of trust and respect, where employees feel valued and supported, is crucial to effective performance management. While goals help employees stay focused and aligned, a leader shepherds the team when the going gets tough.

Asserting yourself as a manager through strong and trustworthy leadership can feel like a whole other ballgame. Read 8 insider secrets to build trust as a leader.

9. Provide skill development opportunities

Investing in your employees' professional growth by offering training, mentoring, and internal mobility opportunities helps employees develop new skills and enhance their performance. This is a win-win, as successful employees help businesses succeed.

Not sure where to start? Have the career development talk with your employees.

Remember that development and mentorship activities can take place in formal and informal ways. Using the GROW coaching model can also guide performance management tactics and help boost employee development efforts.

10. Foster a culture of employee well-being

Prioritize employee well-being by promoting work-life balance, mental health support, and stress management initiatives. When employees feel supported and cared for, their performance and engagement levels increase.

How well do you know your team? Make sure you're keeping tabs on the ups and downs of employee morale by getting a pulse on how they're really feeling work-wise with employee wellness surveys.

11. Encourage employee autonomy and empowerment

Empower employees by providing them with autonomy and decision-making authority in their roles. Encouraging ownership and accountability fosters motivation, innovation, and a sense of responsibility for their own performance.

12. Use performance management software to streamline your process

Leveraging performance management software to streamline and automate processes is a non-negotiable in 2023. A tool like Officevibe helps facilitate performance reviews, one-on-one meetings, goal tracking, and continuous performance management.

From performance reviews to agile goals and objectives to scheduling (and reminding) upcoming one-on-one meetings, this solution provides an easy and intuitive system for both you to manage and your employees to follow.

Effective performance appraisal methods

Performance appraisals play a crucial role in evaluating employee performance and providing valuable feedback for growth and development. But they're not just routine evaluations — they are windows of opportunity to unleash untapped potential and foster personal and professional growth.

Different methods of appraisal within the performance management process offer unique perspectives and insights into an employee's contributions:

  • Formal annual appraisals dive deep into an employee's performance over a specific period, combining a comprehensive assessment form with a candid conversation between the employee and their manager.
  • Objective-based appraisals, on the other hand, put the spotlight on performance against predefined goals and objectives. By aligning individual achievements with organizational aspirations, this method ignites a sense of purpose and propels goal attainment.
  • Let's not forget the power of 360-degree appraisals, where feedback from multiple sources — peers, subordinates, and managers — creates a holistic view of an employee's performance, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

But conducting performance appraisals objectively and fairly is essential for effective performance management. It's all about establishing clear evaluation criteria, providing specific examples of performance expectations, and embracing open communication channels. Managers who actively listen to employees' input and base evaluations on facts and data rather than personal biases create an environment where growth and development thrive.

And for an extra boost on your performance management strategy, regular training for managers on conducting effective performance reviews can further elevate the fairness and accuracy of the process!

Building holistic, effective performance management strategies

Measuring the results and impact of a performance management strategy is vital to gauge its effectiveness and make data-driven decisions. But it's not just about numbers and metrics — it's about empowering your employees and creating a dynamic, high-performing culture.

When a performance management strategy leads to increased productivity, you'll witness the transformation firsthand. By aligning goals, providing feedback, and fostering a culture of performance, you'll see teams reaching new heights and accomplishing more than ever before. And that's not all — higher retention rates demonstrate the positive impact of an effective performance management process on employee engagement and commitment.

But how do you measure employee engagement, that intangible but critical factor? That's where tools like Officevibe come in. With its continuous performance management system and employee engagement features, you can monitor performance goal progress, provide real-time feedback, and gather valuable insights on your teams' engagement. By leveraging these tools, you can nurture a workforce that's motivated, productive and committed to achieving their goals.

Unlocking success with Officevibe: Maximizing the performance management process for top results

Good performance management appraisal methods and an effective performance management strategy are the driving forces behind a high-performing workforce. By utilizing a combination of appraisal techniques, organizations can gain valuable insights into employee performance and provide meaningful feedback for growth. Measuring the results of any performance management strategy is essential for continuous improvement and making sure your employees stay engaged, motivated, and productive.

So, if you're ready to unlock success and maximize your performance management strategy, harness the power of Officevibe's performance management tool. Empower your teams, drive productivity, and create an environment where everyone thrives. Plus, as a manager, you'll make your life easier. Time to take your performance management process to new heights and achieve optimal results!

In our second episode of Vibe Check, Julie Jeannotte, HR Expert and Researcher at Officevibe, chats with Mary Jo Ogren, Head of Talent at Graham Allen Partners, about why recognition and alignment are critical in keeping high performers engaged and productive during a downturn.

They touch on topics like how alignment is a powerful factor in retention, how when people feel truly valued, they’re more inclined to stay, and how alignment and a sense of value really begin at the recruitment stage.

Watch this episode to learn about:

  • How alignment and recognition are tied to retention
  • How the right tools can help you stay attuned to how everyone in your organization is feeling
  • How people learn differently, value different things, and need different kinds of recognition
  • The importance of mixing things up as performance management is always changing

Fighting for tech talent is a big deal. People that don’t feel valued, leave. That’s the bottom line.

Mary Jo Ogren

Understanding the alignment, recognition, and retention loop.

One of the main takeaways from this discussion is how feeling undervalued is sometimes a symptom of feeling like you’re not headed in the same direction or on the same page as your team. In the same vein, when employees feel they're doing an amazing job, but their manager does not, they don’t get the recognition they strive for.

What this shows is that a lack of alignment causes a real disconnect, one that causes people to feel like they're not being recognized for their efforts, when in reality, if they were aligned from the get-go, it wouldn’t reach that breaking point.

📺 Watch the full episode for stories and anecdotes on how to recognize and remedy these issues from an HR perspective.

Meet our illustrious guest: Mary Jo Ogren

Mary Jo and her team work hand-in-hand with Graham Allen Partners’ portfolio companies to make sure they have the talent they need to be successful and the strategies, policies, and practices in place to support, engage, and manage their teams.

Before joining Graham Allen Partners 13 years ago, Mary Jo was a high school special education teacher and she uses what she learned to shape the way she approaches her teams today.

Mary Jo Ogren Portrait Image

“Every day I wake up and I think about how to help our companies have the best people. I am to treat them in a way that makes them love coming to work.”

Mary Jo Ogren, Head of Talent at Graham Allen Partners

There are plenty of traditions that are worth keeping, and then there are those that no longer serve us the way they used to. In this context, gone are the days of the traditional annual review that was the norm for so many years. These days, companies are taking a more modern approach to managing employee performance.

Enter the era of agile performance management — one that focuses on continuous feedback, regular check-ins, and ongoing development, and is a far better fit for today's ever-changing work landscape.

Recent years have shined a light on how organizations need to be agile in their ability to quickly adapt to new challenges and opportunities, meaning agile performance management process is better at helping employees stay engaged, motivated, productive, and yield better business results.

What is performance management?

In essence, performance management is an ongoing conversation between a manager and an employee about their job performance and how they can continue to improve, grow, and sharpen their skills. Throughout the year, this process helps set clear goals, measure progress, implement regular employee feedback, training, and coaching, and recognize areas of improvement and achievements, all with the goal of boosting individual performance and productivity.

The beauty of performance management is that it ultimately fosters an environment in which everyone can thrive. An added plus is that it also allows organizations to identify and address performance issues in real-time, rather than waiting for that old school annual performance review to roll around.

By definition, an agile performance management system is a method used to motivate employee performance and nurture employee development while remaining aligned with organizational and personal goals. Unlike the traditional approach, most known for its annual performance reviews, this approach is perpetual and ongoing.

Why is performance management important?

If a high-performing, productive workforce is what you're going for, then a performance management system is a must! When your employees get regular feedback, have a clear understanding of expectations, and have ongoing development opportunities, your organization can create a culture of continuous improvement so that everyone can achieve their goals. That goes for employees, teams, and your company as a whole.

By ensuring team alignment, and providing structures for managing, tracking, and evaluating employee performance, everyone gets to experience all the benefits of each performance management process. So let's explore those now.

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10 Benefits of performance management

While performance management is a game-changer in many ways, we've picked 10 key benefits that explain why:

1. Increase retention

Every company wants to find ways to reduce turnover rates, and performance management can help do just that. When done right, performance management gives employees the support they need and a sense of purpose with their work. This creates a culture of continuous improvement where employees take ownership of their work and always strive to grow and do better within the organization.

Performance management also helps keep employees aligned with the company's mission and values, which is great for nurturing commitment and employee retention, making it a win for everyone.

So how can you improve employee retention? We've put together 8 strategies for keeping your people engaged!

2. Boost employee morale and engagement

When employees feel valued and supported in their role, they're more likely to experience a boost in morale. Checking in on what employees need, providing regular feedback and recognition, and giving coaching can improve engagement and job satisfaction. Pair this with opportunities for growth and professional development, and employees are more likely to be happy, motivated, and productive.

There are plenty of key factors that contribute to engagement and help create an emotional commitment between an employee and the organization they work for. Discover them all!

3. Identify training needs

By keeping the conversation going on a regular basis, it really makes it easier for managers to assess what's working well and where extra development is needed. This enables managers to choose the right kind of training to improve each individual employee's skills, and in turn their overall job performance. Think mentoring, workshops, and conferences that are aligned with their goals.

4. Define career paths

There's always room for growth. When employees have a clear understanding of what is expected of them in their current role and what they need to do to progress to the next level, it can really help them forge a career path that'll take them onwards and upwards towards success.

A great performance management system includes one-on-one career development talks that can help identify the skills and experience needed for advancement, and create concrete goal towards achieving their aspirations and plans for growth.

5. Set and track clear goals

A solid performance management system can help you set and track clear goals by providing the framework for defining SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) goals and OKRs (Objectives and Key Results). These kinds of goal-setting systems make sure goals are clear, achievable, and aligned with the company's objectives. Regular performance management can help employees track their progress towards these goals and make adjustments as needed to ensure success every step of the way.

Our practical guide helps simplify the foundations of solid goal-setting by teaching you how to raise your game to get better results.

6. Reduce micromanagement

Not only is micromanagement time consuming, but it can also lead to low employee engagement, high stress levels, and even increased employee turnover — none of which are desirable.

The good news is that a solid performance management system can give managers the tools they need to run a tight ship without the need for micromanagement. It means they can focus more on their actual daily responsibilities while still being able to check in on employee progress. Everyone breathes easier and maintains their autonomy, which makes for greater trust between managers and employees.

Micromanagement may not be intentional, but it happens nonetheless. Good thing we've put together some simple questions to help you detect micromanagement (so you can then correct it!)

7. Build autonomy and accountability

Speaking of autonomy, proper performance management can help create a culture of autonomy and accountability where employees feel empowered to take ownership of their work and make decisions independently. By holding employees accountable for their performance while providing support and guidance when needed, it gives them the chance to soar and become the best version of themselves.

At the end of the day, greater autonomy leads to greater confidence, job satisfaction, and loyalty, all of which makes employees feel more motivated and engaged towards their's and their team's success.

8. Increase organizational performance

Beyond helping with individual performance, a performance management system also helps organizations align their employees, resources, and processes in order to meet their strategic goals and objectives. Having the right framework in place sets you up for organizational success and can even positively impact your bottom line (which we'll get to shortly).

9. Foster manager-employee relationships

In every kind of relationship, healthy communication is a foundational must. A performance management system helps to establish open and honest communication between managers and employees, which leads to better working relationships. Regular communication, performance reviews, and guidance also show that managers are truly invested in their employees' success.

Not sure where to start? We can help get you on the road to building better employee relations in 4 simple steps.

10. Improve the bottom line

Last but certainly not least, great performance management can help improve your company's bottom line, and the equation is simple: improving employee engagement, productivity, and retention rates is the recipe for greater customer satisfaction, and in turn greater business success.

Good vibes go a long way. In fact, engaged employees who have a more positive experience are more likely to produce better quality work and better client relationships. Not to mention the fact that on the other end of the spectrum, unhappy employees have the opposite effect, and are more likely to leave. Employee turnover is costly, which can also greatly affect your bottom line.

Drive productivity with effective performance management system

Now that you know the benefits of modern performance management, know that you don't need to go at it alone. In fact, performance management software like Officevibe can support you in your growth. We can help you achieve the progress and results you're aiming for by equipping you with a playbook for implementing frequent feedback and coaching so you can drive consistency and put your organization on the road to success.

Performance management; if those two words send your gut plummeting to your toes, you’ll be happy to hear it’s evolved. Gone are the days of dreaded yearly reviews and performance appraisals. Instead, we have performance management 2.0, a version less concerned with what employees did wrong all year and more focused on actively helping them improve their skills and performance.

In this article, we'll dive into how techniques like goal alignment, frequent feedback, and meaningful recognition can drive employee, team, and organizational success — transforming you into the performance management maestro you were born to be.

{emphasize}Try our performance management best practices for thriving teams and organization

What is performance management?

Today's performance management is founded on continuous, honest conversations with employees about how they're doing in their jobs and where they could improve. Approaching these chats in a structured way by setting clear, realistic, time-bound goals ensures that you and your team members are on the same page about what’s expected and when.

Of course, managing employee performance requires continually monitoring their progress. Online solutions such as Officevibe’s performance management tool can help you effortlessly stay on top of your employee’s progress — facilitating continuous conversations, providing collaborative structures for employee goal-setting, and giving you a birds-eye view of everything your team has accomplished, what still needs to be done, and which red flags to address before they become bigger issues.

Why is performance management important?

Effective performance management acts like a traffic control system for managers and employees, ensuring a smooth flow of work within an organization. It helps identify bottlenecks, redirect resources, and find alternative routes to overcome challenges — paving the way for better team alignment and improved individual and company performance. 

What’s more, an effective performance management system leads to:

  • Increased goal alignment: Laying out individual and company objectives creates alignment throughout an organization and ensures that the whole team is working independently and together to attain these goals.
  • Boosted employee engagement and productivity: An effective performance management strategy empowers employees by including them in goal-setting and decision-making processes. This gives them a sense of purpose that boosts engagement, satisfaction, employee retention, and team productivity.
  • Better managerial leadership: Consistent feedback and guidance provided through a good performance management system sharpen both your coaching abilities and your employees’ skill sets. Strong managerial skills also contribute to better relationships which, in turn, lead to higher employee commitment and performance.
  • Improved talent retention: Companies in which employees receive frequent feedback and constant communications with their managers have 14.9% lower turnover rates. Regular, meaningful feedback shows you care and can truly help retain your employees.
  • Heightened organizational performance: Helping your employees learn, grow, and develop can have a significantly positive effect on a company’s overall performance, leading to higher revenue growth and improved customer satisfaction.

Top performance management best practices

“Ok,” we hear you say, “I’m sold. Performance management is the new black. So how do I go about implementing it most effectively?” Well, we’ve put together a list of 11 tried-and-true performance management best practices to drive high-performing employees and a thriving organization.

1. Make performance management agile and continuous

When it comes to driving continuous performance improvement, the importance of frequent check-ins can’t be overstated. That’s because routine one-on-one meetings invite a sense of familiarity and support that can only be achieved through regular informal discussions.

What’s more, they help managers and employees keep up to date on progress, address challenges, ensure alignment with goals and expectations, and provide a space for more open, focused conversations — basically, everything that helps develop an individual’s skill sets and nurture a sense of fulfillment.

2. Define clear roles and responsibilities

Your employees can’t read your mind. So, clarifying roles and responsibilities from the get-go is crucial to avoid confusion and frustration, and drive productivity, accountability, and a positive work environment. Clear roles and responsibilities also provide employees with a firm understanding of what’s expected of them, allowing them to focus their efforts on their tasks and goals and contribute to the organization’s overall success.

3. Set measurable goals together with your employees

While some employees need the occasional nudge, more often than not, they’re aware of what can realistically be achieved and what’s unfeasible. Roping them in on your goal-setting sessions can end up saving time and disappointment all-round — and it can make your employees feel heard and included, upping their job satisfaction and productivity.

Here are a few ways you can include your team members when establishing measurable goals:

1. Nurture your employees’ unique impact

Lay out your company's key business objectives for the next six months, then ask your employees how their skills and interests can help achieve these goals. While you can highlight the overall objectives, consider letting them set their own interim targets and encourage them to log their progress to ensure they’re on the right track.

2. Rebrand goal-setting

By simply renaming “goal setting” to "expectation setting," you can shift the focus from single-mindedly pushing to meet specific performance targets to the journey itself. Goals often change throughout the year, particularly in younger companies, so concentrating on the expectations of the team, the organization, and the employee can provide the flexibility you need to meet moving targets while cultivating a culture of engagement, alignment, and satisfaction.

3. Flame your employees’ passions

Up to 87.7% of the US workforce is underperforming due to a lack of passion for their work. You can help close this gap by encouraging your team members to set aside time each week to complete an online course or meet with a mentor in pursuit of their individual professional development goals.

🔥 Want to (re)ignite the spark? Discover the secrets to cultivating a passionate workforce.

4. Give your employees a helping hand

Working with employees to break up goals into bite-sized achievements (and then celebrating each milestone met) makes targets more achievable. Even if the entire goal remains unrealized, meeting interim targets gives employees the sense that they’re moving forward, meaning they’re less likely to become demotivated and stagnate.

Tip: Instead of adding an unachieved goal to next year's to-do list, try to get to the bottom of why it wasn’t met and how it can be adapted to make it more realistic.

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4. Align employee, team, and organizational goals

Magic can happen when goals align. Involve employees by inviting them to share their unique untapped or developing skills, then set up a brainstorming session to figure out how these skills can be nurtured and used in a way that benefits them, their team, and their company.

Helping your team members see how their strengths can contribute to overarching company objectives will make them feel like they’re part of something bigger, leading to increased employee engagement, motivation, and confidence. It could even add a whole new angle to your organization.

📐 Looking to elevate alignment on your team? With Officevibe's goals and OKR tool, your employees can seamlessly set and track their individual objectives, ensuring they're always aligned with team and company-wide goals.

5. Give constructive and actionable feedback in real-time

According to a study conducted by Gallup, only 14% of employees strongly agree that their performance reviews inspire them to improve. This could be because traditional performance reviews alone aren’t exactly inspirational. Worse, relying on annual reviews that concentrate more on past performance failures as opposed to proactively addressing areas for improvement can result in missed opportunities for growth, decreased productivity, and disengaged employees.

Instead, focusing on providing timely, continuous, constructive feedback can empower your employees to make immediate adjustments, develop new skills, and improve their performance, fostering a more positive work environment.

Help your employees stay on track, maintain focus, and deliver high-quality work within shorter time frames by providing continuous, real-time feedback.

6. Address poor employee performance promptly

Your parents might have emphasized the adage "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all," but chances are they weren't thinking about your company’s performance management practices.

While it might not be comfortable, addressing poor performance promptly is crucial to preventing bigger problems and potentially more difficult conversations down the line. In fact, pulling off the band-aid at the right time could actually drive organizational growth and lead to improved employee morale and increased accountability. According to a study by Zenger and Folkman, 92% of employees agree that negative feedback delivered appropriately is effective at improving performance.

🧭 Learn to navigate challenging conversations like a pro with our guide to tackling tough talks.

7. Provide frequent and meaningful recognition

Giving your employees frequent and meaningful recognition empowers them to achieve professional growth and enhances their engagement. It also makes them feel seen and valued, which encourages them to go above and beyond, creating a thriving work environment.

Need some tips on how to make your team feel valued? See our guide to creating a culture of workplace recognition.

8. Build trusted relationships with your employees

Trust and respect are two-way streets. And they’re imperative to a healthy working relationship that fosters employee engagement, satisfaction, retention, and improved performance.

Here are some key practices to help build trust with your team:

  1. Communicate effectively: Providing regular, clear, and transparent updates on company changes, challenges, and organizational goals will ensure everyone feels informed and involved. To up your two-way communication, encourage reciprocal feedback, suggestions, and open discussions.
  2. Delegate and empower: Delegating meaningful responsibilities to your employees empowers them to make decisions and take ownership of their work — and employees who feel trusted to do their best are more confident and motivated to excel.
  3. Support professional growth: Show your team you believe in them by demonstrating a genuine interest in their aspirations and helping them acquire new skills and knowledge through training, workshops, and mentorship programs.
  4. Show recognition and appreciation: Demonstrating genuine gratitude for your employees' hard work lets them know that their efforts matter and fosters a positive and supportive environment.
  5. Support work-life balance: Encouraging a healthy work-life balance lets employees know you prioritize their well-being. You can improve your employee experience by offering perks like remote work options and flexible schedules.

9. Implement a fair performance review process

Biases are baked into our subconscious, so getting around them can be tricky. But it’s important to try, as an unobjective evaluation can undermine the credibility of your entire review process.

Since biases are inherently human phenomena, employing performance review software that can objectively evaluate employee performance is key. Such a tool enables managers to deliver a fair and balanced review that encourages deep growth and development, mitigates legal and ethical risks, and fosters a greater sense of trust and credibility within your organization.

Stuck for inspiration? See our blog to get insights on how to create a bias-free, effective, and positive performance review framework.

10. Act like a coach, not a boss

Traditionally, a boss is associated with control, task completion, and hierarchy, while a coach prioritizes learning, growth, collaboration, and empowerment. So by coaching your employee, you can build stronger, more grounded relationships with your people.

As a bonus, you’ll also enhance autonomy and employee engagement, while creating a supportive and developmental work environment.

11. Coach, train, and evaluate managers as much as employees

It’s not just employees who need coaching and evaluation. Developing managers alongside employees helps build strong leadership teams that drive success at all levels. Coaching, training, and evaluating managers creates a strong pipeline of capable leaders.

Additionally, by aligning their actions and behaviors with the company’s culture, you’ll be promoting cohesiveness, clarity, and alignment throughout the organization.  

How performance management software can help teams and companies thrive

You want to be the best leader you can be. You also only have so many hours in a day. Fortunately, there are software tools that can help streamline your performance management processes. Here’s how:

  • One-on-one meetings: Find a solution that has a dedicated feature for facilitating regular manager-employee dialogues. Officevibe’s simple one-on-one meeting software provides an easily navigable way to schedule meetings, set agendas, capture meeting notes, and track progress, which promotes regular, meaningful communication and strengthens manager-employee relationships.
  • Performance reviews: Performance reviews need not be big, scary annual documents. Employing a feature like data-driven performance reviews can help you track your employees’ progress, continually evaluate their performance, and share your insights with them in real time. This helps keep everyone on track as to what’s expected of them and what needs to be changed to reach peak employee performance.
  • Goals and OKRs: The goals and Objectives Key Results (OKRs) feature of Officevibe lets you and your team members define and align individual, team, and organizational objectives. It also helps keep your finger on the pulse of the progress they’re making to achieve goals, promoting transparency, clarity, accountability, and focus.
  • Recognition: Recognition boosts morale and creates a positive work environment. But you might not know exactly when, where, and how to show gratitude to your employees. To hit the right note 100% of the time, try Good Vibes, a recognition feature that enables manager-to-employee and peer-to-peer appreciation and recognition.
  • Feedback: Delivering ongoing feedback and communication sounds exhausting, but it's a vital part of the performance management process. Luckily, employee engagement features offer a simple, fuss-free way of understanding your employees, identifying where they’re struggling and what makes them happy, and reaching out to address any disengagement signs.

Build a modern performance management process to increase employee engagement and productivity

The evolution of performance management has seen it morph from static yearly reviews to a continuous process focused on employee improvement. To foster this kind of positive work environment, you can implement performance management best practices like goal alignment, clear goal-setting, trust building, genuine recognition, and frequent and timely feedback.

Of course, all this requires the continuous tracking of employee performance, processes, and milestones, which can be easily facilitated through performance management software that provides essential features such as goal tracking, performance evaluations, one-on-one meetings, and the promotion of effective communication and collaboration.

By leveraging these tools like a boss (or a coach!), you can streamline your future performance management models and make better-informed decisions to support your teams and organizations.

Modern performance management plays a pivotal role in driving organizational growth and cultivating a thriving work environment.

By implementing an effective performance management system, teams and organizations can unlock numerous benefits, including increased employee engagement, improved productivity, enhanced collaboration, and better alignment of individual and company goals.

A well-designed performance management process empowers organizations to effectively manage and optimize individual and team performance. It sets the stage for clear communication, ongoing feedback, skill development, and employee recognition, all of which contribute to achieving organizational goals and fostering a positive work environment.

This article breaks down how to design the right performance management cycle. This starts by planning and setting the right steps to feed into a continuous loop of constructive feedback. We've also provided some handy tips for managers to lead this performance cycle and support improvement goals for employees.

What is a performance management process?

A performance management process is a systematic approach organizations use to set expectations, monitor progress, develop skills, provide feedback, recognize achievements, and drive continuous improvement.

It involves a series of interconnected steps designed to improve employee performance, align individual performance with organizational objectives, and create a culture of accountability and growth.

Steps of the performance management process

The performance management process is a comprehensive cycle that guides organizations in optimizing employee performance. By breaking it down into distinct steps, teams can effectively navigate this process, fostering growth, engagement, and success.

Let's explore the key steps that comprise an effective performance management cycle.

1. Planning: Setting the course for success

The first step in the performance management process is the planning stage. During this stage, clear team performance goals and expectations are established. By defining objectives that align with the organization's vision and strategy, teams gain a sense of purpose and direction.

👉 Try our goal-setter template to set individual goals that help your employees grow, while contributing to the company's success.

2. Monitoring: Tracking progress and providing support

Monitoring performance is essential to ensure progress towards established goals. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions allow managers to provide guidance, support, and recognition.

By using a tool with goal tracking and performance review features, teams can monitor individual and team progress, identify areas of improvement, and celebrate achievements along the way.

3. Developing: Nurturing growth and potential

The development step focuses on fostering continuous growth and improvement. This involves offering learning and development opportunities, coaching, and mentoring.

Performance management and coaching models create a culture of continuous improvement and provide a dynamic framework for nurturing growth, by fostering regular feedback, goal setting, and skill development.

⭐️ Officevibe's emphasis on continuous performance management and the effective use of the GROW coaching model can assist organizations in unlocking their employees' full potential.

4. Rating: Assessing performance objectively

Evaluate performance objectively is non-negotiable. Ratings or performance assessments provide a structured framework for measuring individual and team achievements against predetermined criteria. This step helps identify strengths, areas for improvement, and informs decision-making processes within the entire organization.

5. Rewarding: Recognizing and celebrating successes

Recognizing goal achievement and rewarding exceptional performance is a crucial aspect of the performance management process. By acknowledging individual and team achievements, organizations reinforce positive behaviors and motivate ongoing success.

🙌 There are many ways to increase employee recognition at work. Try them and watch motivation, engagement, and overall performance improve.

6. Renewing: Continuously enhancing performance

The final step in the performance management process is renewing. It involves reflecting on the outcomes, learnings, and areas for improvement from the previous cycle. By gathering feedback, analyzing results, and implementing changes, organizations make sure the performance management cycle evolves and adapts to meet evolving needs.

Creating a continuous performance cycle is key to successful performance management. So much so that we've dedicated the next section of this article to this!

Continuous improvement: Evolving for success

The performance management process is not a static endeavor but rather a dynamic cycle that requires continuous improvement and adaptability.

Organizations that embrace a culture of continuous improvement are better equipped to respond to changing business environments and evolving employee needs.

  1. Embrace feedback culture: Encourage an instant feedback culture where employees feel comfortable providing suggestions and insights on the performance management process. Regularly gather feedback from employees to identify areas for improvement and implement necessary changes.
  2. Agile goal setting: Adopt an agile performance management strategy to goal setting by regularly reviewing and adjusting goals based on changing priorities and circumstances. This flexibility ensures that goals remain relevant and aligned with organizational objectives.
  3. Emphasize learning and development: Promote a growth mindset and invest in employee learning and development. Provide opportunities for training, upskilling, and cross-functional learning to support continuous improvement and adaptability.
  4. Leverage technology advancements: Stay updated with technological advancements in performance management software. Explore new features and tools that can enhance the performance management process, such as AI-powered analytics, real-time feedback platforms, and collaborative performance management tools.
  5. Encourage experimentation: Encourage managers and teams to experiment with different approaches and techniques within the performance management process. Create a safe space for innovation and learning from failures to drive this continuous process.
  6. Regular process evaluation: Conduct regular evaluations of the performance management process to assess its effectiveness and identify areas for refinement. Analyzing metrics, gathering employee feedback, and benchmarking against industry best practices is all part of successful continuous performance management.

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The role of leadership in effective performance management

Leadership plays a critical role in establishing and driving an effective performance management process. Leaders set the tone, create the framework, and provide the necessary support to ensure that performance management initiatives are successful.

  • Commitment and communication: Leaders must demonstrate a genuine commitment to performance management and clearly communicate its importance to the organization. By emphasizing the value of performance management and articulating its link to organizational goals, leaders inspire buy-in and engagement from employees at all levels.
  • Providing resources and support: Effective performance management requires adequate resources, including tools, training, and support systems. Leaders should allocate the necessary resources to enable managers and employees to actively participate in the performance management cycle. This includes providing training on performance management techniques, offering coaching and mentoring support, and ensuring access to technology platforms that streamline the process.
  • Leading by example: Leaders must lead by example and actively participate in the performance management process. They should regularly engage in goal setting, provide feedback, and recognize employee achievements. By demonstrating their commitment to the process, leaders reinforce its importance and encourage employees to actively engage in their own performance management.
  • Empowering managers: Leaders empower managers to effectively manage employee performance by providing them with the necessary authority, autonomy, and guidance. This includes equipping managers with the skills and tools needed to set clear expectations, provide constructive feedback, and support employee development. Leaders should also make sure managers have regular opportunities for training and development to enhance their performance management capabilities.
  • Monitoring and accountability: Leaders play a crucial role in monitoring the progress and outcomes of the performance management process. They should regularly review performance metrics, provide guidance to managers, and hold them accountable for effectively managing employee performance. By actively monitoring the process, leaders can identify areas for improvement, address challenges, and celebrate successes.
  • Continuous improvement and feedback: Effective leaders are committed to continuously improving the performance management cycle. They seek feedback from employees and managers, analyze data and insights, and make necessary adjustments to enhance the process. By fostering a culture of continuous improvement, leaders ensure that the performance management cycle remains relevant, impactful, and aligned with organizational goals.

Tips for developing an effective performance management cycle

Creating an effective and engaging performance management system is essential for driving individual and team success within an organization. As a leader or manager, you play a crucial role in building and cultivating such a system. Here are some valuable tips to help you develop a performance management approach that brings out the best in your team.

Establish clear expectations

Start by setting clear expectations for performance. Clearly communicate what is expected of each team member, including goals, targets, and key performance indicators.

Here are insightful tips on how to set team expectations effectively to help you navigate this crucial step.

Set goals together with your employees

Involve your employees in the goal-setting process to foster ownership and alignment. Collaboratively establish meaningful and challenging goals that drive motivation and growth.

To ensure your goal-setting process is both productive and empowering, check out our recommended goal-setting frameworks and performance goal examples.

Give frequent feedback

Provide regular feedback to your team members. Offer praise for goal completion and constructive guidance for improvement. Emphasize ongoing communication and create a culture where feedback is valued and welcomed.

To brush up your feedback skills, use our 22 constructive feedback examples and make a positive impact on your team's performance.

Provide support for underperformance

Support your employees' development by offering guidance and help. Address performance issues promptly and provide resources to help individuals enhance their skills and overcome challenges.

Officevibe's template for poor performance discussions can assist you in these conversations, fostering growth and improvement.

Talk about performance often

Engage in frequent discussions about performance, both formal and informal. One-on-one meetings can serve as valuable opportunities for informal check-ins, where you can discuss progress, challenges, and provide guidance.

By fostering open dialogue, you strengthen relationships and keep performance at the forefront.

Assess and adjust goals

Stay nimble by regularly assessing and adjusting goals. As circumstances change, make sure objectives remain relevant and aligned with organizational priorities. Address performance in real time and make necessary adjustments to keep individuals and teams on track. This agility ensures continuous improvement and adaptability.

Provide meaningful recognition

Recognize and appreciate exceptional performance to reinforce positive behaviors and motivate continued excellence. Meaningful employee recognition goes beyond simple praise; it acknowledges specific achievements and highlights their impact on the team and organization.

🤓 Read our 27 employee recognition messages examples for inspiration.

Foster a culture of continuous learning and development

Create an environment that values continuous learning and development. Encourage employees to seek out growth opportunities, offer training programs, and support their professional aspirations.

👀 Watch Officevibe's Vibe Check Episode 5 to discover how learning and growth can impact employee engagement and retention.

Use technology to streamline processes and collect data

Leverage technology to streamline performance management processes and gather meaningful data. Performance data collection helps identify trends, areas for improvement, and supports informed decision-making regarding promotions, bonuses, and career development. Using a performance management system can simplify data collection and analysis, enabling you to make data-driven decisions.

Create a fair and equitable process

Ensure fairness and equity throughout the performance management cycle. Consistently apply expectations, feedback, and rewards across the board, avoiding biases and discrimination at all costs. By promoting a transparent and unbiased approach, you foster trust and create a level playing field for all team members.

How performance management software can help boost employee performance

Performance management software can enhance team performance by streamlining goal setting, facilitating performance reviews, enabling timely feedback, promoting recognition, supporting data-driven decision making, and fostering collaboration.

With features such as goal tracking, feedback exchanges, recognition programs, and analytics dashboards, Officevibe empowers organizations to optimize their performance management process and drive motivated, aligned, and high-performing teams.

Do your employees feel comfortable, engaged, and supported in the workplace? Are they experiencing a positive company culture and a healthy work-life balance? It's crucial to understand their well-being and address any emotional exhaustion, burnout, or anxiety they may be facing.

Employee wellness surveys offer a powerful tool to gain valuable insights, improve employee engagement, increase productivity, and foster genuine connections within your team. By delving deeper into the significance of these surveys, you can unlock opportunities to improve employee well-being and create a supportive environment.

Wellness surveys demonstrate that a company supports its employees through and through. Let's explore further the importance of employee well-being survey efforts and discover practical ways to implement them, ensuring your team's mental and physical health remains a top priority.

The importance of employee health and wellness

A happier employee performs better — that’s a fact. A recent study shows that happiness boosts productivity by about 12%. Corporate giants like PwC invest billions in employee wellbeing not just because it’s good PR, but because they know it pays off.

Poor physical health, mental health issues like anxiety and depression, burnout, and toxic workplace culture can cause serious harm to the overall health of an organization. An employee struggling with negative thoughts or high levels of stress is more likely to become disengaged, make mistakes, miss work days, or even quit their job.

With this in mind, managers and team leaders need to keep a finger on the pulse of their team’s well-being, emotional health, internal relationships, and psychological safety. The problem? Employee wellness can be hard to measure, especially if you work in a large organization and can’t communicate with each team member directly.

Anonymous employee wellness surveys can encourage your team to open up about their health, wellness, and workplace dynamics in a safe, judgment-free space. With the proper question structure, they can give you answers to important questions like:

  • How do your team members evaluate their own health and wellness in the workplace?
  • How much stress do your employees experience on a daily basis?
  • Do your employees have access to stress management tools, mental health support, and other resources?
  • Do your employees have access to proper healthcare, and how do they manage chronic health conditions?
  • How does your team rate any ongoing wellness initiatives in your company?

{emphasize}If you’re sensing an employee is on the brink of burning out, use this template on work stress to gauge your team’s stress level and get to the bottom of what is triggering their anxieties.{emphasize}

Officevibe sample survey questions
Sample questions from the Officevibe psychological safety survey template.

Tips on how to conduct insightful surveys and measure employee wellness

An employee health and wellness survey can provide data on factors that influence employee well-being, like workloads, business management, stress, or relationships within the team. Such a wellness survey aims to assess team well-being, discover what drags employees down (too much work? not enough communication? external stress?), and give leaders valuable ideas to improve employee wellness.

Statistics like employee turnover rates and the number of absences are helpful, but wellness survey results provide more precise data directly from employees. A high turnover rate lets you know you have a problem; an employee engagement survey can help discover what the issue is and what can help solve it.

1. Ask the right questions

Employee wellness surveys need to be simple, clear, and detailed to provide useful feedback. Surveys should focus on specific data that can help you get to the root of problems like high turnover or conflicts within your company.

That's why both close-ended and open-ended questions should be included in your wellness survey. Close-ended questions give measurable data (“74% of the employees who took the survey rated communication with their managers 8 out of 10 or higher”), while open-ended survey questions provide personal insights (“several employees who completed the survey point out that they feel significantly more tired and less productive after 5 p.m.”).

2. Keep the employee surveys short

Your employee wellbeing survey should be short and the questions concise. If a survey takes more than a few minutes to complete, your employees may abandon the survey, leave questions unanswered, or provide meaningless answers where you need feedback.

Any time you survey employees, focus on what you want to know now and leave the rest for subsequent employee wellness surveys.

3. Communicate about the survey

To ensure maximum participation and engagement, it's crucial for managers to effectively communicate about the upcoming employee wellness survey. Send a company-wide email or use the internal communication platform to announce the survey's purpose, its importance in shaping a healthier work environment, and the anticipated timeline. Encourage transparency and assure employees that their feedback will be anonymous and valued.

By choosing a channel that reaches everyone and emphasizing the significance of their input, you'll foster enthusiasm and increase survey participation.

4. Offer incentives to employees

Offering incentives to team members who complete the wellness survey can increase survey participation rates. The reward can be simple, like a coffee coupon or a gift card raffle. Make sure to let your team know beforehand that a prize awaits them at the end of the survey.

Above all, show employees that their survey feedback matters.

5. Send a thank-you message

After the survey, you could send a message like, “Thank you for taking the time to answer employee wellness survey questions last week. We’ve noticed that many of you have concerns about fluctuating workloads. We’ll see what we can do to improve consistency.”

30 employee wellness survey questions

The specific questions you choose for your employee wellness survey may depend on your industry and your company’s structure. Here is a basic list of wellness survey questions to get you started:

Overall health and wellness

1. How are you feeling at this moment?

2. Do you feel like your organization supports your overall well-being?

3. Do you have access to comfortable and adequate office equipment and infrastructure (on-site and at home)?

4. Do you feel like the benefits provided by your organization support your overall health?

5. How can your organization help improve employee wellness?

6. Are you able to eat a nutritionally balanced lunch during office hours?

7. Do you have access to healthy snacks at work?

8. Do you feel like you can take breaks away from your computer during work hours?

9. Do you feel like your organization provides access to adequate wellness resources?

10. What wellness-promoting initiatives would you like to see in the workplace?

Workload, corporate culture, and stress management

11. Do you agree with the following statement: “I have a reasonable workload”? (Strongly agree, partially agree, disagree, strongly disagree, not sure)

12. Do you feel you can communicate openly with your manager about workloads and performance expectations? (Always, sometimes, rarely, never)

13. On a scale of 1 to 10, please rate your degree of work-related stress.

14. On a scale of 1 to 10, how strongly do you agree with the following: “My co-workers are friendly and supportive.”

15. In the past 6 months, have you considered looking externally for employment opportunities?

16. Is there a person within the organization you feel you can speak to about stress and other factors that influence your work performance?

17. Do you have access to resources that address stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues?

18. On a scale of 1 to 10, how happy are you at work?

19. Would you recommend our company as a positive place to work?

20. In your opinion, what program or initiative might reduce your work-related stress?

Work-life balance

21. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you agree with the following: “I enjoy an optimal work-life balance at my current job”?

22. Is your lunch break long enough?

23. How often do you handle work-related tasks outside of work hours? (Daily, often, sometimes, never)

24. On a scale of 1 to 10, how difficult is it for you to balance your workload with childcare and other personal responsibilities?

25. Do you agree with the following: “My supervisors do their best to accommodate me when I need to take time off for personal reasons”? (Strongly agree, partially agree, disagree, strongly disagree, not sure)

26. Does your workload leave you enough time to pursue hobbies, personal activities, or career development?

27. On a scale of 1 to 10, how well would you say our organization supports employees in achieving a better balance between work and other responsibilities?

28. On a scale of 1 to 10, how high do you rate the importance of flexible hours and time off?

29. Do you agree with the following statement: “The pressure related to my personal workload is harming my productivity at work”? (Strongly agree, partially agree, disagree, strongly disagree, not sure)

30. In your opinion, what workplace initiative, wellness program, or policy can help you improve your work-life balance?

The insights you gather from answers to workplace wellness survey questions can help you devise solutions for improved employee well-being, like a broader benefits package, exercise and wellness programs, or ergonomic office furniture.

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Employee wellness programs for a healthy and thriving workforce

Once you have your employee well-being survey results and a better sense of the employee health and wellness dynamics in your organization, it’s time to put your money where your mouth is and take actionable next steps. Poor employee health can lead to lower engagement or productivity. Relevant wellness initiatives could address the pain points you uncovered through the wellness survey.

Some might claim that employee wellness programs “don’t work.” These opinions, however, usually refer to other wellness initiatives that focus purely on the physical side of wellness, like workplace gyms or exercise programs. A holistic wellness program targets all aspects of employee well-being: physical, mental, social, professional, and financial.

Here are some examples of wellness initiatives your company might consider:

  1. Fitness programs: While this may not work for every organization, an on-site gym or a yoga class can help employees reduce stress, boost energy, and improve concentration. Companies with limited space can overcome this challenge by providing discounted gym memberships or sponsoring a fitness package that employees can use to fund their preferred activities, like pilates, swimming, or biking.
  2. Expanded health benefits: If your employees cut corners with their healthcare because of insufficient coverage, both their health and their work performance will be greatly affected. A more generous benefit package can encourage employees to take better care of their health needs.
  3. Healthy lunch and snack plans: How many of your team members skip lunch, cram in a burger before they rush back to the office, or try to stay alert with too much caffeine? Healthy catered lunches and balanced snacks will keep employees more energetic and productive throughout the day. Accommodating (if possible) the needs of people who follow vegan, gluten-free, or dairy-free diets will create a more inclusive workspace.
  4. Mental health programs: An effective mental wellness program starts with a corporate culture that recognizes the importance of mental health. When business leaders acknowledge issues like anxiety, depression, and burnout, employees are more likely to take advantage of a subsidized coaching program, therapy, or meditation classes.
  5. Financial wellness program: Employees dealing with debt or other financial constraints will be more stressed and less productive. Organization leaders can help their employees achieve financial well-being with initiatives like money management workshops, personalized financial coaching, and reimbursement for professional development courses and programs.
  6. Naps: A brief 15-30 minute nap can help employees fight the infamous afternoon slump and get back to work more alert and energized. Offices with insufficient space for a nap room could benefit from compact sleeping pods that allow workers to take quick naps.

Work-life balance ideas that cultivate productive employees

Today, most leaders understand that 80-hour workweeks are unsustainable and unhealthy. The WHO confirms that working 55 hours a week or more leads to more deaths than stroke and heart disease in the workforce, while research shows that shorter work hours increase productivity.

The COVID-19 pandemic and the rise of remote work brought the importance of work-life balance to the forefront. Many employees discovered that they like the flexibility of working remotely, while others voiced concerns about overwork and blurred boundaries between work and home hours. An organization that prioritizes work-life balance will have happier, more productive, and more loyal employees.

{emphasize}Here is how companies can help their employees find a better balance between work and family or personal life:

  • Flexible leave policies: Many organizations now offer general paid time off instead of splitting it into sick days and vacation days.
  • Flexible work hours: Employees appreciate being able to pick up their children from school or work four-day weeks during the summer.
  • A limit on job-related communication: With all the benefits of telecommuting, remote employees can feel like they’re working around the clock. Let your people know that they are not expected to answer messages after a specific time.
  • Family-friendly initiatives: Companies can support working parents by offering childcare subsidies, after-school programs, on-site daycare, flexible schedules, accommodations for pregnant and breastfeeding employees, and more.{emphasize}

Track and improve employee well-being with Officevibe

Employee engagement surveys can help you understand how your team members feel and what you can do to improve employee well-being. With Officevibe’s user-friendly pulse survey tool and clear reports, you can easily track your team’s vibe through an employee well-being survey and pinpoint where your company needs to adjust and improve.

Start putting the employee experience at the top of your priority list, and build a positive workplace culture where employees feel happy, engaged, and healthy.

Employee happiness and well-being is the key to any successful organization!

Conducting employee wellness surveys prioritizes the well-being

In a nutshell, employee wellness surveys are a powerful way to understand and support your team's well-being. By asking the right questions and keeping surveys concise, you can gather valuable insights into their physical and mental health, work-life balance, and overall satisfaction.

These surveys help you identify areas for improvement and implement targeted initiatives that promote a healthier and more engaging work environment. Remember to communicate about the survey, offer incentives, and express gratitude for their participation. By taking action based on the survey results and sharing the outcomes, you show your commitment to their well-being — that you've got their backs as they have yours!

Employee wellness survey FAQ

What is an employee wellness survey?

An employee wellness survey is a valuable tool for gathering feedback from employees about their overall health and well-being, work-life balance, and work-related factors.

It provides a structured way to assess various aspects such as physical health, mental well-being, work and personal time management, job satisfaction, and employee engagement.

What are the benefits of employee wellness surveys?

Employee wellness surveys offer several benefits to both employees and organizations. They provide valuable data and insights into the overall well-being of your workforce, helping you identify areas for improvement and implement targeted interventions.

By understanding employees' needs, concerns, and perceptions, you can create a healthier and more engaging work environment that promotes productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

What do you do with employee wellness survey results?

Once you have collected employee well-being survey results, it's crucial to analyze the data and identify key findings. By examining patterns and trends, you can gain a deeper understanding of the factors affecting employee well-being and engagement. Use these insights to develop action plans, implement changes, and address specific concerns raised by employees.

Additionally, effective communication about the survey results is essential to keep employees engaged and informed. Sharing the aggregated results with your team and communicating the actions taken demonstrates transparency, shows that their feedback is valued, and fosters a culture of continuous improvement.

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