Performance Management

7 mistakes managers make when giving annual performance reviews

Published on 
February 2, 2024

It’s that time of year again: annual performance reviews.  

This can be a stressful time for both people managers and employees. For people managers, it’s a ton of preparation work. And for employees, it’s quite nerve-racking to discuss their performance.  
While it’s not always easy, feedback and career conversations are crucial for growth. But should they only take place once a year? By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of what type of review cycle is best for your company — and clear ways to get you there.  

Top 7 annual performance review mistakes

If you’re only doing performance reviews once a year, there’s a lot of pressure to get it right. Today, most HR experts would suggest regular, constructive feedback sessions. Big companies like GE, Adobe, Accenture, and Netflix have caught onto the problems with annual performance reviews and dropped them altogether. 

But we’ll let you decide what works best for your company. Whether you want guidance to improve your current process or build a case for revamping it altogether, here are seven performance review mistakes you need to know about.

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1. Putting in zero effort

The most common mistake employers make in performance reviews is insufficient preparation. 

Oftentimes, performance review prep comes secondary to other, “more important” work — a quick, side-of-desk task to touch between meetings.  

Sometimes, people managers just don’t realize the importance of performance reviews and insufficient preparation is a symptom of inadequate training for reviewers. Or, they understand the importance, but think they can get by with little effort.  

But here’s the thing: people managers set the precedent for improvement. If they don’t put in the effort to review their team, their team won’t put the effort in to improve. 

This is why we recommend frequent performance check-ins with your team members: it’s much easier! It requires way less prep because you don’t have to dig through documents to remember their work from 11 months ago. You don’t have to worry about a lack of specificity or irrelevant feedback. Instead, you can have a short session on their most recent work — and set short, actionable goals for the upcoming months.  

2. Falling for the Recency Effect 

As we touched on above, another annual performance review mistake is basing your assessment only on recent work. It’s very common because we’re human — and recent events are the most memorable. This is called the Recency Effect.

Try this quick experiment to see what we mean: 

  • Have someone recite a list of 10-15 words to you. Which words do you remember? 
  • Notice that the last group of words received stands out to you the most.
  • Notice that the first group of words recited stands out to you more than the words in the middle (this is called the Primacy Effect)

While it’s natural to fall for the Recency Effect, it’s not exactly fair to your employees. So, as a people manager, you should take note of your team’s accomplishments throughout the year to prepare for your annual reviews. Or, have frequent feedback sessions — perhaps once a month or quarter. 

Imagine only watching the beginning and the end of a movie. You might get a general idea about what’s going on, but you would have missed the entire plot. So, how can you rate it properly? 

Many say this is why performance reviews don’t work. A lot can happen in 12 months, which makes it very easy to overlook great performance  

3. Focusing solely on negatives

As the saying goes: People have a habit of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be. 

The purpose of performance reviews is to motivate your employees just as much as it is to offer constructive criticism. Ignoring achievements and contributions is a quick way to de-motivate your people. But then again, don't just give a compliment for the sake of giving one. 

A tip for offering meaningful positive feedback? Avoid empty compliments. Here’s what not to say in a performance review: 

  • “Overall, you are doing great.” 
  • “I like the work you did on that project.” 
  • “You are an asset to the team.” 
  • “We appreciate all that you do.” 

 Instead, qualify your statements. Use specific employee feedback examples

  • “I really like the way you handled ‘X issue’ on your last project. It showed great leadership skills.” 
  • “Your idea to add ‘X’ to the project really helped it take off. You have great creative input.” 
  • “I noticed you’ve been staying extra hours during our production period and I want you to know it’s really appreciated. Your dedication means a lot to us.” 

Because our brains are trained to latch on to negative feedback, make sure that the positive feedback you are offering has ample weight. This clarity will also help reinforce desired behaviors. There are also ways to do deliver negative feedback without de-motivating your employees

Another way to boost motivation? Using this review to look ahead, not just reflect. 

UCLA professor of management, Sam Culbert, believes that annual performance reviews can be very damaging, which is why he developed the concept of Performance Preview, a more positive approach to reviews: 

A forward thinking discussion whereby both parties discuss their assignments and responsibilities for achieving success in the coming year or period.

Sam Culbert

Think of it like driving. There are moments when you need to look in the rearview mirror. But more importantly, you should look ahead at what's in front of you. 

4. Involving the wrong people

Another common performance review mistake is involving the wrong people.  

Yes, a senior leader may see employees’ work from afar, but they don’t see their day-to-day performance. And they’re likely not documenting performance throughout the year.  

In order to provide a fair review, all work deserves to be noticed. 

You wouldn’t ask a movie critic to review a film if they’ve only watched a trailer, so how can a senior supervisor or leader review an employee with whom they have so little daily contact? 

The employee will also feel they were assessed fairly if the review is conducted by a leader who works closely with them. And that’s incredibly important for keeping them engaged and motivated to perform their best. 

5. Surprising your employees 

Performance reviews shouldn’t be a surprise to your team. It’s important to let them know when it’ll happen and what you’ll cover.  

Here's why: 

  • It allows them to mentally prepare for an important conversation 
  • It gives them time to prepare notes and proof points regarding their work 
  • It shows that you’re taking time to prepare and value their contributions and growth

The meeting invite is also a great opportunity to set the tone and invite collaboration. Here’s an example: 


I look forward to meeting with you one-on-one to talk about your year. I’ll have some notes prepared but mostly I'd like to hear what you have to say!


Not including employee input could start you off on the wrong foot. Making this a collaborative, inclusive process right from the meeting invite sets a positive tone for the upcoming conversation. 

6. Tying salary bumps to the review

Basing pay bumps on performance reviews is a common mistake employers make in performance reviews. However, it can wind up hurting the culture of your company. It's explained well in this article:

“Performance reviews that are tied to compensation create a blame-oriented culture. It’s well known that they reinforce hierarchy, undermine collegiality, work against cooperative problem solving, discourage straight talk, and too easily become politicized. They’re self-defeating and demoralizing for all concerned.” 

Tying the review to compensation pushes the real meaning of the review to the backburner and makes it prominently about money. 

Ultimately, a review is meant to discuss the performance of the employee, not their salary. But with this approach, it’s likely that the employee will be focused on whether or not they’ll get a raise — not how they can bring more value to the company.  

7. Skipping a review altogether

Another problem with annual performance reviews? Sometimes, they don’t happen. And failure to discuss career goals is the biggest mistake of all. But sadly, it happens quite often. 

If your performance reviews happen annually, there’s a lot of pressure on people managers to get it done and get it done right. Shifting to frequent one-on-ones makes the whole process less overwhelming — for both parties.  

In this article, Russ Laraway, HR leader and author, shares that:

Career conversations — deep, meaningful dialogue coupled with action plans around measurable goals — go a long way in keeping [employees] around for longer.

Russ Laraway

The idea is to keep the communication flowing regularly. Not once a year. And especially not never.

Why performance reviews don’t work 

Work can get busy — and sometimes it may feel like you’re always one step behind — but feedback needs to happen regularly. It’s the bloodline of the workplace. 

What takes place in these sessions is connection and communication. Two values that all organizations unquestionably need to succeed. 

You may think: 

  • “There’s nothing important to go over with them right now. They’re doing fine.” 
  • “It’s too busy. We need to focus on getting work done.” 
  • “My employees know I have an open-door policy, if they want to talk they can come to me." 

But part of being a good manager is encouraging these conversations regularly, even if there isn’t anything “big” to discuss. 

Whether it’s to go over some challenges, give praise for great work, or just catch up on how it’s been going — take time to make your employee feel seen, heard, supported, and valued.  

Key takeaways

  • Come prepared to your employees’ performance reviews 
  • Give well-balanced reviews, not just assessments of recent work 
  • Offer recognition and praise in addition to constructive feedback 
  • Don't forget to look ahead and focus on new objectives for the year to come  
  • Tell your employees when reviews are happening and how to prepare 
  • Choose the right leader to conduct the performance reviews 
  • Avoid tying raises and promotions with performance reviews 
  • Prioritize performance reviews — don’t skip them! 
  • Annual reviews should be supplemented by regular feedback sessions  

While it's important to avoid these common mistakes employers make in performance reviews, we recommend the more modern approach: regular 1:1 feedback and career conversations with your team members. Building these habits will make you and your team more comfortable — and excited — to explore next steps in their development and contributions to the company.

Now, we gotta ask: What are your thoughts on annual performance reviews?

Discover Workleap Officevibe's latest benchmark report on 12 key employee engagement metrics

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This is some text inside of a div block.

It’s that time of year again: annual performance reviews.  

This can be a stressful time for both people managers and employees. For people managers, it’s a ton of preparation work. And for employees, it’s quite nerve-racking to discuss their performance.  
While it’s not always easy, feedback and career conversations are crucial for growth. But should they only take place once a year? By the end of this article, you should have a better idea of what type of review cycle is best for your company — and clear ways to get you there.  

Top 7 annual performance review mistakes

If you’re only doing performance reviews once a year, there’s a lot of pressure to get it right. Today, most HR experts would suggest regular, constructive feedback sessions. Big companies like GE, Adobe, Accenture, and Netflix have caught onto the problems with annual performance reviews and dropped them altogether. 

But we’ll let you decide what works best for your company. Whether you want guidance to improve your current process or build a case for revamping it altogether, here are seven performance review mistakes you need to know about.

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1. Putting in zero effort

The most common mistake employers make in performance reviews is insufficient preparation. 

Oftentimes, performance review prep comes secondary to other, “more important” work — a quick, side-of-desk task to touch between meetings.  

Sometimes, people managers just don’t realize the importance of performance reviews and insufficient preparation is a symptom of inadequate training for reviewers. Or, they understand the importance, but think they can get by with little effort.  

But here’s the thing: people managers set the precedent for improvement. If they don’t put in the effort to review their team, their team won’t put the effort in to improve. 

This is why we recommend frequent performance check-ins with your team members: it’s much easier! It requires way less prep because you don’t have to dig through documents to remember their work from 11 months ago. You don’t have to worry about a lack of specificity or irrelevant feedback. Instead, you can have a short session on their most recent work — and set short, actionable goals for the upcoming months.  

2. Falling for the Recency Effect 

As we touched on above, another annual performance review mistake is basing your assessment only on recent work. It’s very common because we’re human — and recent events are the most memorable. This is called the Recency Effect.

Try this quick experiment to see what we mean: 

  • Have someone recite a list of 10-15 words to you. Which words do you remember? 
  • Notice that the last group of words received stands out to you the most.
  • Notice that the first group of words recited stands out to you more than the words in the middle (this is called the Primacy Effect)

While it’s natural to fall for the Recency Effect, it’s not exactly fair to your employees. So, as a people manager, you should take note of your team’s accomplishments throughout the year to prepare for your annual reviews. Or, have frequent feedback sessions — perhaps once a month or quarter. 

Imagine only watching the beginning and the end of a movie. You might get a general idea about what’s going on, but you would have missed the entire plot. So, how can you rate it properly? 

Many say this is why performance reviews don’t work. A lot can happen in 12 months, which makes it very easy to overlook great performance  

3. Focusing solely on negatives

As the saying goes: People have a habit of becoming what you encourage them to be, not what you nag them to be. 

The purpose of performance reviews is to motivate your employees just as much as it is to offer constructive criticism. Ignoring achievements and contributions is a quick way to de-motivate your people. But then again, don't just give a compliment for the sake of giving one. 

A tip for offering meaningful positive feedback? Avoid empty compliments. Here’s what not to say in a performance review: 

  • “Overall, you are doing great.” 
  • “I like the work you did on that project.” 
  • “You are an asset to the team.” 
  • “We appreciate all that you do.” 

 Instead, qualify your statements. Use specific employee feedback examples

  • “I really like the way you handled ‘X issue’ on your last project. It showed great leadership skills.” 
  • “Your idea to add ‘X’ to the project really helped it take off. You have great creative input.” 
  • “I noticed you’ve been staying extra hours during our production period and I want you to know it’s really appreciated. Your dedication means a lot to us.” 

Because our brains are trained to latch on to negative feedback, make sure that the positive feedback you are offering has ample weight. This clarity will also help reinforce desired behaviors. There are also ways to do deliver negative feedback without de-motivating your employees

Another way to boost motivation? Using this review to look ahead, not just reflect. 

UCLA professor of management, Sam Culbert, believes that annual performance reviews can be very damaging, which is why he developed the concept of Performance Preview, a more positive approach to reviews: 

A forward thinking discussion whereby both parties discuss their assignments and responsibilities for achieving success in the coming year or period.

Sam Culbert

Think of it like driving. There are moments when you need to look in the rearview mirror. But more importantly, you should look ahead at what's in front of you. 

4. Involving the wrong people

Another common performance review mistake is involving the wrong people.  

Yes, a senior leader may see employees’ work from afar, but they don’t see their day-to-day performance. And they’re likely not documenting performance throughout the year.  

In order to provide a fair review, all work deserves to be noticed. 

You wouldn’t ask a movie critic to review a film if they’ve only watched a trailer, so how can a senior supervisor or leader review an employee with whom they have so little daily contact? 

The employee will also feel they were assessed fairly if the review is conducted by a leader who works closely with them. And that’s incredibly important for keeping them engaged and motivated to perform their best. 

5. Surprising your employees 

Performance reviews shouldn’t be a surprise to your team. It’s important to let them know when it’ll happen and what you’ll cover.  

Here's why: 

  • It allows them to mentally prepare for an important conversation 
  • It gives them time to prepare notes and proof points regarding their work 
  • It shows that you’re taking time to prepare and value their contributions and growth

The meeting invite is also a great opportunity to set the tone and invite collaboration. Here’s an example: 


I look forward to meeting with you one-on-one to talk about your year. I’ll have some notes prepared but mostly I'd like to hear what you have to say!


Not including employee input could start you off on the wrong foot. Making this a collaborative, inclusive process right from the meeting invite sets a positive tone for the upcoming conversation. 

6. Tying salary bumps to the review

Basing pay bumps on performance reviews is a common mistake employers make in performance reviews. However, it can wind up hurting the culture of your company. It's explained well in this article:

“Performance reviews that are tied to compensation create a blame-oriented culture. It’s well known that they reinforce hierarchy, undermine collegiality, work against cooperative problem solving, discourage straight talk, and too easily become politicized. They’re self-defeating and demoralizing for all concerned.” 

Tying the review to compensation pushes the real meaning of the review to the backburner and makes it prominently about money. 

Ultimately, a review is meant to discuss the performance of the employee, not their salary. But with this approach, it’s likely that the employee will be focused on whether or not they’ll get a raise — not how they can bring more value to the company.  

7. Skipping a review altogether

Another problem with annual performance reviews? Sometimes, they don’t happen. And failure to discuss career goals is the biggest mistake of all. But sadly, it happens quite often. 

If your performance reviews happen annually, there’s a lot of pressure on people managers to get it done and get it done right. Shifting to frequent one-on-ones makes the whole process less overwhelming — for both parties.  

In this article, Russ Laraway, HR leader and author, shares that:

Career conversations — deep, meaningful dialogue coupled with action plans around measurable goals — go a long way in keeping [employees] around for longer.

Russ Laraway

The idea is to keep the communication flowing regularly. Not once a year. And especially not never.

Why performance reviews don’t work 

Work can get busy — and sometimes it may feel like you’re always one step behind — but feedback needs to happen regularly. It’s the bloodline of the workplace. 

What takes place in these sessions is connection and communication. Two values that all organizations unquestionably need to succeed. 

You may think: 

  • “There’s nothing important to go over with them right now. They’re doing fine.” 
  • “It’s too busy. We need to focus on getting work done.” 
  • “My employees know I have an open-door policy, if they want to talk they can come to me." 

But part of being a good manager is encouraging these conversations regularly, even if there isn’t anything “big” to discuss. 

Whether it’s to go over some challenges, give praise for great work, or just catch up on how it’s been going — take time to make your employee feel seen, heard, supported, and valued.  

Key takeaways

  • Come prepared to your employees’ performance reviews 
  • Give well-balanced reviews, not just assessments of recent work 
  • Offer recognition and praise in addition to constructive feedback 
  • Don't forget to look ahead and focus on new objectives for the year to come  
  • Tell your employees when reviews are happening and how to prepare 
  • Choose the right leader to conduct the performance reviews 
  • Avoid tying raises and promotions with performance reviews 
  • Prioritize performance reviews — don’t skip them! 
  • Annual reviews should be supplemented by regular feedback sessions  

While it's important to avoid these common mistakes employers make in performance reviews, we recommend the more modern approach: regular 1:1 feedback and career conversations with your team members. Building these habits will make you and your team more comfortable — and excited — to explore next steps in their development and contributions to the company.

Now, we gotta ask: What are your thoughts on annual performance reviews?

Equip HR and managers with tools to engage, recognize, and drive performance.

Related content

When you hear "performance review," what comes to mind? As a manager, do you think of it as a once-a-year task that's just part of your checklist? Or perhaps, do you think of it as a laborious process with no clearly useful output?

Rest assured; the performance review process can be utilized strategically and absolutely be done in a way that is structured, effective, and impactful.

In this article, you'll find your ultimate guide to employee performance reviews. We'll walk you through the essential steps involved in conducting effective performance reviews and provide guidance on what a successful review should look like — before, during, and after. When done right, they can contribute to employee growth, development, and higher business performance.

Here is everything you need to conduct successful employee performance reviews

What is an employee performance review?

Let's first cover the basics. At its core, a performance review is a structured process that evaluates an individual's job performance and provides constructive feedback. Performance reviews are an essential part of the performance management process and support goal-setting, monitoring, and accountability.

Traditionally, a performance review has been an annual event, but in the modern workplace, with continuous performance management gaining traction, performance reviews have taken different forms — be it regular check-ins or ongoing feedback to foster employee development and improvement. In this new era of performance management, managers become more like coaches who empower their employees to reach their full potential.

👉 Find our guide to the modern way of conducting performance reviews with insightful tips and case studies to get inspired.

Why are employee performance reviews important?

Performance reviews don't have to be complicated, just as long as you don't undervalue their power either. They offer numerous benefits for both individuals and organizations at every level. They:

  • Improve communication
  • Identify strengths and weaknesses
  • Facilitate goal setting
  • Enhance employee engagement
  • Strengthen employee-manager relationships

By investing in performance reviews, you pave the way for continuous improvement and foster a more positive work culture.

Key elements of an effective performance review

Performance reviews play a crucial role in driving employee growth and development while contributing to higher business performance. To conduct impactful performance reviews, it's essential to incorporate key elements that foster a supportive, collaborative, and ultimately thriving environment.

Here are the key elements of an effective performance review process:

Frequent review cycles

Break away from the anxiety-inducing annual performance review and normalize conversations about performance. Implementing regular review cycles allows for ongoing feedback, ensuring employees stay on track and have the opportunity to grow continuously.

For example, quarterly or monthly check-ins provide timely feedback and help address any performance gaps promptly.

Two-way conversations

Performance reviews shouldn't be one-sided. By involving employees in two-way conversations, you demonstrate that their opinions and insights are valued, fostering a sense of ownership and engagement.

Encourage open dialogue and create a space for employees to share their perspectives, offer suggestions, and actively participate in the review process.

Focused on improvements

Modern performance reviews shift the focus from dwelling on past mistakes to emphasizing growth and development. By adopting a forward-thinking approach, you inspire a growth mindset and create a culture that supports continuous learning and development.

Encourage employees to reflect on their experiences, learn from them, and set goals for improvement.

Transparent and honest

Transparency and honesty are paramount in fostering trust between managers and employees. Establish clear communication channels to ensure employees understand how their performance is being assessed and how feedback will be provided.

Transparency also involves clearly communicating the evaluation criteria and ensuring employees have access to the necessary resources for improvement.

Fair and objective review process

A fair and objective review process is essential for employee morale and engagement. Use standardized evaluation criteria that are consistently applied across the organization. This helps maintain fairness and ensures that employees feel their performance is evaluated on an equal basis.

Objective evaluations foster trust and provide employees with a sense of confidence in the review process.

How to prepare for a performance review

To conduct an effective performance review, managers need to prepare in advance. Here are the key prep steps to get ready:

1. Align on performance evaluation criteria

Performance evaluations require a clear understanding of the criteria and metrics used to assess employee performance. It's essential for managers and employees to have a shared understanding of what constitutes good or poor performance.

For example, you might establish criteria such as meeting project deadlines, demonstrating strong communication skills, or displaying proactive problem-solving abilities. By aligning these criteria, you can ensure fairness and consistency in your evaluations.

2. Gather employee data and examples

To provide meaningful performance feedback, gather relevant qualitative and quantitative data, as well as examples that illustrate an employee's performance.

There are different methods of performance evaluation, all of which can be pooled to build a comprehensive performance picture. Qualitative data can come from employee self-evaluation, peer reviews, or supervisor assessments. Whereas quantitative data can come from sales figures or other productivity metrics.

By collecting a range of data and examples, you'll have a well-rounded view of the employee's performance that considers all factors — not just numbers.

3. Use a performance review template

Templates exist for a reason. They provide a pre-existing structure from which you can build on and customize. They also save you time!

Performance review templates provide a set of targeted questions that guide you through each aspect of the review, ensuring you cover all relevant areas with your employee. Using a template saves prep time and helps maintain consistency across each team member's evaluation. It also ensures that no important topics or questions are overlooked.

Officevibe includes performance review templates designed to make the review process even more streamlined, effective, and data-driven.

A preview of Officevibe's employee performance review template
Use performance review templates in Officevibe.

4. Prepare a meeting agenda

Before the performance review meeting, create a detailed agenda to guide the discussion. Outline the specific topics you want to cover, such as achievements, areas for improvement, and future goals. Consider including specific examples or projects to discuss during the meeting.

Having a clear agenda helps keep the conversation focused and ensures that all important points are addressed. It also shows employees that you have taken the time to prepare and value their performance.

👀 Check out our one-on-one meeting agendas that cover most manager-employee scenarios, including performance reviews, performance improvement plans, career development, and more!

5. Schedule your performance review meeting

Set a date and time for the performance review that works for both you and the employee. Choose a time when you can give your undivided attention and create a comfortable environment for open and honest conversation.

Avoid scheduling the review during particularly busy or stressful periods to ensure you can devote sufficient time and attention to the discussion. Scheduling the meeting in advance demonstrates your commitment to the employee's growth and development.

By following these steps and adequately preparing for the performance review, you set the stage for a productive and valuable discussion with your employees. Effective preparation ensures that you have the necessary information, structure, and focus to provide meaningful feedback and pave the way for future growth.

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How to conduct an employee performance review

Now that you're prepared, let's explore how to conduct an effective performance review. This is the time to engage in a productive conversation that supports employee growth and development.

The following guidelines provide the performance review framework you need to promote employee development, foster positive relationships, and drive organizational success:

1. Set a positive and constructive tone during the review

Approach the review with a supportive and coaching mindset. It's critical to create a safe space for open dialogue, which fosters collaboration much better than when employees don't feel like they have input. Remember that the goal is to empower employees in their future performance by emphasizing what they are capable of rather than reinforcing what they may not be doing well enough.

2. Share positive feedback and recognition

Similar to the compliment sandwich approach, balancing positive feedback with areas for improvement can go a long way. Make sure to share your own feedback and words of acknowledgment to strengthen your manager-employee bond. Additionally, pass on any feedback you received from other colleagues or leaders, which could help the employee feel valued and appreciated.

3. Offer constructive feedback

Discuss any performance challenges or areas of underperformance directly and constructively. By framing things in a constructive way and using specific examples to illustrate your points, you provide more actionable solutions for growth. Navigate difficult conversations with empathy and a focus on finding solutions together.

Need the inspiration to find high-quality feedback? Here are 22 constructive feedback examples and tips to help you deliver feedback that gets results.

4. Give specific examples

By providing specific examples, you can ensure clarity and facilitate productive discussions. Make sure to back up your feedback with concrete examples to make it more impactful and actionable. Contextualizing feedback with current and past performance examples, helps employees understand the specific behaviors or situations that need improvement or reinforcement.

5. Address performance challenges

During the review, address any performance challenges or areas of underperformance directly and constructively. There are many ways to approach poor work performance issues, just remember to lead these conversations with empathy and a focus on finding solutions. By addressing challenges head-on, you can work together with the employee to identify strategies for improvement and growth.

Granted, some conversations are a little bit more difficult than others. Hey, managers are only human. Read our difficult conversation tips to ensure the message (and solution) isn't getting lost in translation.

6. Listen actively

During the performance review, practice active listening to show genuine interest in the employee's perspective. Pay attention to their thoughts, concerns, and aspirations. By actively listening, you create an environment where employees feel heard and valued, fostering trust and engagement.

Active listening is definitely one of those skills that can help anyone in all areas of life — not just at work! So read our tips on how to practice the art of good listening.

7. Define the next steps

Collaborate with the employee to identify actionable next steps. This could look like:

  • Creating a development plan
  • Setting clear goals for improvement
  • Adjust existing performance targets as necessary

By involving employees in the process of defining the next steps, you empower them to take ownership of their growth and development.

Remember, conducting a performance review is not just a one-time event but part of an ongoing performance management system. Ultimately, ensuring continuous feedback and regular check-ins throughout the year helps set, align, and adjust employee goals when appropriate, which contributes to employee growth and success.

What to do after a performance review

The performance review doesn't end with the meeting. Here's what you can do to ensure continuous improvement and growth.

1. Follow up on the next steps

After the performance review, it's crucial to stay involved and provide ongoing support. Follow up on the next steps that were identified during the review. Schedule frequent one-on-ones and other touchpoints to monitor progress and measure results. This demonstrates your commitment to the employee's growth and helps ensure they are on the right track toward achieving their goals.

🤔 Not sure how often to schedule one-on-ones? Find your best formula for one-on-one frequency.

For example, if one of the next steps identified during the review was for the employee to improve their time management skills, you can schedule a follow-up meeting a month later to discuss their progress. During this meeting, you can ask specific questions about their strategies for improving time management, inquire about any challenges they may have encountered, and provide additional guidance or resources if needed.

By following up on next steps, you show that you are invested in your employees' success and provide an opportunity for course correction or further development.

2. Keep the performance conversation going

Embrace the beauty of continuous performance cycles by conducting regular check-ins and one-on-one meetings. These ongoing conversations provide opportunities to discuss progress, address challenges, and provide timely feedback. By maintaining an open line of communication, you can support employees in their growth journey and ensure that performance remains a priority.

For example, you can schedule bi-weekly or monthly one-on-one meetings with your employees to discuss their ongoing projects, address any obstacles they may be facing, and provide guidance or feedback. These meetings create a space for employees to share their achievements, seek guidance on their work, and discuss any new challenges that may have arisen, to assess at your next employee performance review. By keeping the performance conversation going, you demonstrate your commitment to their development and create an environment where continuous improvement is encouraged.

Officevibe supports continuous performance management. This feature provides tools and resources to facilitate ongoing feedback, goal tracking, and one-on-one meetings!

Effective performance review phrases to use in your next review

Crafting meaningful feedback is key to a successful performance review. Here are some examples of performance review phrases, be them appraisals or constructive, to inspire your next review:

  • Creativity: "Your innovative thinking has led to impressive solutions, pushing our team to new heights."
  • Communication: "Your clear and concise communication style has greatly improved team collaboration and project outcomes."
  • Accountability: "You consistently take ownership of your responsibilities, delivering results with a high level of accountability."
  • Productivity: "Your exceptional time management skills and efficient work habits have significantly increased productivity within the team."
  • Collaboration: "Your collaborative approach fosters a positive team environment, encouraging open communication and idea-sharing."
  • Coaching: "Your dedication to mentoring team members has empowered them to grow and excel in their roles."
  • Areas of improvement: "To further enhance your performance, focusing on improving your presentation skills will help you engage stakeholders more effectively."
  • Problem-solving: "Your analytical thinking and resourcefulness have consistently resulted in creative problem-solving and successful outcomes."

Again, following up on any performance feedback with specific examples will make the feedback itself more impactful by giving it context. This will also show the employee you gave the feedback thought. For example, you could pair praise about problem-solving with something along the lines of: "Last month, when we had an issue with project X, you managed to fix this by doing A, B, and C and that ensured we could deliver on time! Thank you."

⭐️ Find more examples of employee feedback that creates an impact, especially relating to more sensitive issues like the need for additional training or failing to meet deadlines, and best practices for delivering them.

Use performance management software

Theoretically, you can master your performance review approach all on your own. Logistically, however, there are ways you can make the entire performance management process infinitely easier for yourself (and your employees).

Performance management software like Officevibe turns the review process into a fun and dynamic aspect of the employee experience. With data-driven features such as goal setting, continuous feedback, and performance tracking, it simplifies, streamlines, and enhances the entire performance review process, making it fair, efficient, and engaging for both managers and employees.

By utilizing performance review software, you can maximize the benefits of performance management, foster employee development, and cultivate a positive work culture.

Elevate growth, engagement, and success with Officevibe

Mastering the art of employee performance reviews is essential for managers looking to drive growth, engagement, and success within their teams. By following the key steps outlined in this guide, you can conduct effective performance reviews that inspire improvement, empower employees, and contribute to overall organizational success.

Remember, performance reviews should be a collaborative and continuous process that prioritizes growth, feedback, and open communication. Embrace the opportunity to support your employees' development and create a culture of excellence!

MONTRÉAL — Nov. 25, 2024 — Workleap, a leading Canadian software company behind products that empower 20,000 companies in more than 100 countries to build better employee experiences, announces its fall platform release introducing new solutions and integrated features into an all-in-one simple-to-use platform. This release marks a new milestone in Workleap’s ongoing commitment to transform the employee experience by empowering HR leaders to drive organizational performance and achieve business goals.

Workleap’s comprehensive platform helps HR lead organizations to thrive in the modern setting of hybrid, remote, and distributed work environments. The consolidated solution for understanding employee engagement, driving performance, and developing employees is the best add-on to your existing HRIS and HR technology, allowing companies to add simple experiences across the employee lifecycle. Bringing these functions together in one platform, Workleap enables HR professionals to create a more responsive, agile and employee-centric work environment.

What's New

  • Workleap Performance streamlines performance management reviews and enables HR teams to guide managers to provide meaningful feedback, align teams with business goals, and easily track progress—all in one place.
  • Workleap Pingboard, an intuitive org-chart, visualization, and company building solution, will be integrated within the Workleap platform before the end of the year.
  • Integrated tools to help HR: Easily visualize employee engagement data within your org chart, streamline onboarding and learning workflows, accelerate content creation with AI designed for HR, and launch custom surveys across the employee journey.
  • Unmatched value: Game-changing bundled pricing lowers the barrier for HR teams of any size to enhance the employee experience.

Why It Matters

Hybrid work has completely reshaped the role of HR. It’s no longer just about managing employees—it’s about building the right frameworks, fostering authentic connections, and leveraging tools that drive meaningful outcomes,” said Simon De Baene, Co-founder and CEO of Workleap. “At Workleap, our mission is clear: make work simpler. The Workleap platform brings together the tools HR teams and leaders need to focus on what matters most—creating workplaces where people feel supported, connected, and empowered to grow. By continuing to invest in our platform, we’re accelerating innovation with solutions like Workleap Performance—designed to be simple, effective, and built to keep HR and leaders ahead as the future of work evolves.”

To learn more about Workleap’s employee experience platform, visit

About Workleap
Workleap is the best add-on to your HRIS to build better employee experiences. The all-in-one Workleap platform empowers organizations to make work simpler by unifying onboarding, engagement, performance, and development —in one platform.

Workleap is a Montréal, Canada-based company building the operating system for hybrid work—unifying the experience to streamline talent management and scale productivity tools across 20,000 companies in more than 100 countries.

Media Contact
Jaclyn Pullen
PANBlast for Workleap

At Workleap, we believe that strong employee experiences stem from three core HR actions:  

  • Understand how your employees feel to make them feel heard.  
  • Help managers to connect their teams and drive them to perform.  
  • Develop your employees, grow their careers, and help them deliver for your business.  

HR work should be human work, supplemented by the right tools.    

It sounds simple (and appealing, no?), but the reality is, finding a simple software solution to unify and streamline this work is like finding a needle in a haystack.   

Refreshingly simple employee experience software  

According to's State of Today's HR Tech Stack and Integrations 2024 report, 37% of respondents are juggling five to eleven (or more) paid HR solutions in their tech stacks. Your job is certainly complex — but the last thing you need is to manage endless tools and increase costs.  

Workleap's employee experience platform brings the simplicity you're looking for — one solution to unify and streamline everything you need understand your people, connect teams, drive performance, and develop careers. 

Engagement surveys, anonymous feedback, performance management, new employee onboarding, learning management, and career progression — yes, all of this, in one place! It seamlessly integrates with your existing HRIS, adding a layer of simple (and consistently used) experiences. 

And with such a breezy setup, you finally have the breathing room to collect the right inputs, take time to analyze and reflect, and plan concrete actions.  

Hybrid work has completely reshaped the role of HR. It’s no longer just about managing employees—it’s about building the right frameworks, fostering authentic connections, and leveraging tools that drive meaningful outcomes. At Workleap, our mission is clear: make work simpler. The Workleap platform brings together the tools HR teams and leaders need to focus on what matters most—creating workplaces where people feel supported, connected, and empowered to grow. By continuing to invest in our platform, we’re accelerating innovation with solutions like Workleap Performance—designed to be simple, effective, and built to keep HR and leaders ahead as the future of work evolves. - Simon De Beane, CEO and Founder at Workleap 

A main takeaway from the report is that employee experience is the top priority that businesses want to address with their tech stack. Over half of respondents don't have any capabilities at all!   

We know you know it's time to boost your employee experience. And here's how you do it.   

Understand your people. Make them feel heard.  

Listening is a basic human skill — but in the HR context, it's taken to a whole new level. 

Continuous employee listening involves:   

  • Providing a safe space for employees to answer questions and provide feedback   
  • Acknowledging and analyzing employee responses  
  • Actioning on employee feedback and communicating changes  

Ensuring your people feel heard is a key element of employee listening. As McKinsey senior partner, Carolyn Dewar, says: “You need to genuinely listen and learn, because the organization will sense if you are asking questions but not interested in the answers.” 

While there are many moving parts, continuous listening should be top priority because it goes hand in hand with one of HR's key metrics, employee engagement. In fact, highly engaged employees are three times more likely to say they feel heard at their workplace (92%) than highly disengaged employees (just 30%).   

Good news is, there are tools out there that help you collect constant feedback, regardless of location or time zone.   

How Workleap helps amplify your listening skills   

In a recent Workleap webinar, we brought in HR experts to break down effective listening. (Here's the link to the guide they created for attendees.)  

During the webinar, we talked about the how: How can HR leaders hear and analyze the perspectives of hundreds (or thousands) of employees? Their answer? Find yourself a really good survey and feedback tool.   

Cue: Workleap Officevibe’s engagement surveys and anonymous feedback.  

Both tools offer a safe space and an easy user experience to increase employee participation rates, which means greater insights for you! More recently, we updated our pulse survey tool to enable flexible listening. Now, you can deactivate or add custom questions to help you measure what matters to your organization. 

My team and I enjoy using Workleap Officevibe because we can instantly view our department's engagement temperature while continuously addressing learning and implementing strategies based on employees' voices. - Sivakumar Muniandy, Head of Singapore Contact Centre Operation, AIA Shared Services 

To close the loop, we recommend sharing updates with your people on what you're hearing and doing to address their needs. Open communication is key!  

Connect teams and drive performance 

Patrick Lencioni, author of The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable, captures the power of alignment and connection perfectly when he wrote: 

“If you could get all the people in an organization rowing in the same direction, you could dominate any industry, in any market, against any competition, at any time.” 

When your people are connected, you’re a force to be reckoned with. Without this, the business goes nowhere. People work inefficiently. Decisions are made more slowly. Alignment ensures everyone works in lockstep. And that can make a big difference on revenue. 

What can you do, as an HR leader of a hybrid organization, to connect your teams from the comfort of your home office? Read on.  

How Workleap helps you connect and drive performance 

When you crack the code for driving alignment, you'll discover endless opportunities. There are many ways to get individuals and teams together and moving in the same direction.   

One way is through performance management. Once organizational goals are defined, then all other individual and team goals can feed this North Star.   

The reality is, however, that many HR pros are struggling to find a performance management solution that blend the flexibility needed to adapt to changing needs with the simplicity and user-friendliness that fosters widespread adoption and efficiency. 

With our new Workleap Performance product, you can finally have a flexible and customizable framework to build performance cycles that fit like a glove. You can easily customize questions and evaluation criteria that align with your organizational goals, mission, and values — while still ensuring a consistent and fair process across managers and teams.   

Another way to align people — that's especially valuable for hybrid or remote workforces and incredibly easy to implement — is by helping people connect with the right collaborators across their company. A tool as simple as a dynamic org chart and employee directory can foster faster relationships by showing who you need to speak with to progress your work.   

With Workleap Pingboard you can instantly improve alignment by fostering connections between employees, streamlining resource planning, and improving internal communications.   

Foster continuous learning and development  

Employees care about learning, development, and growth opportunities. This isn't new news.   

We've seen the data, too. When an organization provides these opportunities, great talent flocks and they stick around. According to the LinkedIn Workplace Learning Report 2024, organizations with strong learning cultures have a +57% retention rate and +23% internal mobility rate.   

Talent development starts from day one and it can be tackled with a strong onboarding process. Fresh training and courses will keep people engaged and growing.   

But we know the behind-the-scenes work of an L&D program — planning, managing, and tracking — can be time-consuming, hard to scale, and frustrating to maintain.   

How Workleap helps you develop talent at scale  

The secret to scaling your learning, development, and growth programs is leveraging AI, tried-and-tested templates, and other tools that remove the heavy lifting, so you can focus on the big picture: building a culture of continuous learning.   

Workleap Onboarding, Workleap LMS, and Workleap Skills all offer templates, automation, and AI to streamline manual admin processes and reduce busywork.  

Need to create new safety training? Hop into Workleap LMS and leverage AI to create a course outline in minutes with a few simple prompts. Want to integrate this course into your new hire's onboarding plan that you just built in Workleap Onboarding? Easy peasy! 

Unifying these product experiences isn’t just great for you — it also helps new hires transition smoothly from onboarding to role-specific training.  

When onboarding, training, and career plans are easier to create and manage, you'll see higher engagement — from your HR team, managers, SMEs, and employees. 

All you need to build impactful employee experiences 

With Workleap's unified platform, you have all you need to tackle the key areas of the employee experience:  

  • Understand how your employees feel to make them feel heard with Workleap Officevibe 
  • Help managers connect their teams and drive them to perform with Workleap Pingboard and Workleap Performance.  
  • Develop employees, grow their careers, and help them deliver for your business with Workleap LMS, Workleap Onboarding, and Workleap Skills 

Let's get back to the work we love to do, simply.